I jumped in with them for a minute, but it's still too cold for me. Carolyn, Cory and Jessica are still out there swimming with the kids! I'll get in it once I get the gas pipe run tomorrow and the hot tub is heated so I can jump in it if I get cold! I HATE being cold!! I'm just now recovering from having jumped in the pool! :)
Chance just came in here and told me, "Dad, I love the pool, I'm glad you and Mommy got it for us. I'm going back out to practice my swimming because I want to be on the swim team when I get older." That alone made it worth every bit of time I have spent on the whole project!
No, the pool is not quite done yet! They are coming out tomorrow to clean up all there debris and Wednesday they are coming out to clean the pool again and actually show me how to operate it. At this point, I'm just moving levers... :) It's worked out thus far though...
Looks like they are having a blast! I'm with you on the cold pool water though!! I'd rather be in the hot tub.
They LOVE it, they just now came in from swimming! I'm still freezing from having jumped in it for a few minutes! I guess once it's all done and the heater is working, I may never get them out of it! :)
Looks awesome. Turned out rather nice. Can't wait to come check it out!
very cool! I want one!!! :)
That is awesome Matt, it is great when you can create opportunities for your children to grow. It is amazing to me when I meet parents that do not do this or think growth can only be done in one area.
finally! :)
i'm sure the kids are having a ball!
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