Not sure if everyone is aware that Barry Bonds hit his 754th home run last night, but we could see the fireworks from the hotel window. Cory wanted to go to the game last night, but didn't. He decided he WAS going to the game tonight, so he checked with the concierge and him and Jessica took a taxi down to the ballpark not long ago to catch tonights game... Myself, I'm not interested in any way, shape or form... Cory enjoys it though, so hopefully they have a good time! :)
LUCKILY tomorrow I go to the airport to pick up the Yukon, because four days in San Francisco is about too much!! We had a great time, but I am READY to get to the house we rented in Monterey!!
So tomorrow off we go to Monterey! The kids are ready as well, they have been saying for the past day or so that they are ready to 'just go to Monterey', well, tomorrow is the day!! :)
lol - I know nothing about baseball.
Can't wait to see the photos from Monterey. Tell everyone there we said hello!!!
I know what you mean about going to Monterey, San Francisco is basically a tourist town? We are enjoying seeing the sights though.
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