Taylor LOVES riding the carousel, so when we got done eating the kids and I all rode that while Carolyn, Cory and Jessica checked out a few of the shops...
On the Bay Cruise Adventure ride around the Bay. It was actually kind of windy and chilly, but the kids still enjoyed it, I just had to take them down inside the boat a few times to "warm up for a second" as Taylor kept saying... :)
Once we decided to head back to the hotel, we walked back down to where the cable car stop was at, after trying unsuccessfully to find a bus to take. We got there and the only cable car in sight was unmanned, but full of people. We got in line and started waiting and this guy came up and was telling the people behind us that one of the cable cars had broken down and the wait from where we were was going to be at least an hour, but he had a limo and would take anyone who wanted to go back to downtown for five bucks a head... The people didn't act interested, and I spoke up rather quickly! So into the limo we went and headed back to the hotel. Turns out the guy also does tours up into wine country. So Saturday we are going to take the limo up into wine country for a seven hour tour, that should be quite fun and interesting, we'll see... :)
I have no idea why, but blogger NEVER lets me post more than four or five pictures per posts... I see others post tons, it has NEVER let me. Oh well...
One of the reasons I don't use blogger. :)
Looks like you guys are having a blast! :)
looks like a blast!!! YIIPPYY!!! you are here!!
We're all having a pretty good time! I'm having a MUCH better time myself after Petra's little tip!! Thanks again Petra!!
We are here Jackie! The BIG day is right around the corner!! We can't WAIT to get to Monterey and see you guys! The kids are ready to leave now to go to Monterey to be honest, I just keep telling them that Sunday is right around the corner! :)
Are you guys going to Muir Woods? We are thinking of going if we have time on our way down. I always wanted to go - I drove by when I was out there by myself but it was getting dark and the trees were SO enormous and I was like "maybe it isn't wise to go into dark woods by myself at night"? lol But it looked really fun. I think the kids would love it.
Oh, and the windy road (can't remember the name) - I'm sure you hit that though.
Ghiradelli Square has some good restaurants. And the Ghiradelli store/restaurant hands out free chocolate when you go in.
You probably know all this, but I'm just rambling on because I'm procrastinating on some errands I need to run. :)
Lombard Street! We'll drive down that after I pick up the rental on Sunday, we'll also cruise over the Golden Gate bridge as well once we have wheels.
I thought about trying to get up to Muir, but not sure if we will or not, it does look interesting! We did make it to Ghiradelli Square, but we had already eaten, there are plenty of restaurants though that look like they would be great! We didn't bother going in though for the free chocolate though, because that was about the time we were trying to find the F line to get back to the hotel... :)
We may try to take a ferry out to Sausalito tomorrow though, still eyeing the options as it's our last full day here. To tell you the truth though, I'm GLAD it is, because I'm ready to get to Monterey because I'm over the hustle and bustle of this city, I think everyone else is ready though as well! :)
They also have redwood forests going south of San Francisco heading toward Monterey, just FYI :)
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