Chance and Tanner went to the movies and dinner with one of their friends, so I imagine he will be QUITE happy when they get back this evening! Of course now I have to go get a helmet for him before he can ride it, so I'm SURE he is going to want to do it first thing tomorrow, but I have a pad to pour and a pool fence to get up, so it might be Monday before that happens! I'll just tell him he can "pretend" he is riding it, hopefully the excitement of actually HAVING it and being able to sit on it in the garage will last for two days! :)

Yeah, I sanded and painted the wall! I couldn't STAND looking at it any longer... :)
lol about the wall. I'm sure Chance will be thrilled! :)
Lol. So the truck full of bikes didn't come through for you? That's surprising.
LOL! No, the 'semi on the side of the road' thing didn't quite work out!
The guy I got it from lives in Griffen, wherever that is! I had e-mailed him and asked for directions, it was like 72 miles away! I finally told him to bring it to me if he wanted to sell it to me. He did! I wonder if the bike has issues?? Luckily one of my friends owns a shop and rebuilds cars and motorcycles for fun!!
I just now got on it and cranked it up and nearly crashed into my car!! I may have to take Chance for a few lessons! :)
Taylor doesn't look too happy there :) lol
She wasn't! The guys had just got back from a movie and dinner and were heading to the lake with my neighbor that has a boat... She told me, "I want to do something fun today Dad." Her friend that lives next door is gone to FL for two weeks, so she is the lone ranger here today...
lol at Andrea's comment and at you almost crashing into the car. :)
Darby always states the unfairness when her older siblings get to do things she doesn't as well. lol Something about being the family 'princess'? :)
LOL. I can't wait to see you guys!!
Have I thanked you all yet for coming??? Now with the new pool coming and the DIRT BIKE... what a sacrafice!!! THANKS!!! We promise to make it well worth your while!!!
No need to thank us Jackie! We CAN'T WAIT to go out there!! I think the kids, Cory, Jessica and Carolyn are even more excited than I am, which is saying something! Not to mention the fact that I will have NO manual labor to do while I am there!! :)
Nice bike Matt, glad you were able to find one for Chance.
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