Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Seven Random Things...

Okay, so Petra tagged me, so I suppose I'm supposed to list seven random things about myself... Wasn't clear if they are to be NEW facts or just random things in general... :)

1. It bothers me when people don't use capitalization in e-mails, instant messages and comments or pretty much wherever you would enter text... It's not like I LOSE any sleep over it or anything though... (I'm sure it bothers people that I always put those three periods after many sentences, it bothers me as well, yet I still feel compelled to do it for some reason :)

2. I can't STAND idle banter with morons! Which is about 99.9% of people in my opinion. I have people at work that come up and start talking, my eyes glaze over after about 30 seconds, then I just turn back to my PC's and pretty much ignore them. What amazes me is, some of them keep on running their cake holes AFTER I've pretty much signaled my COMPLETE uninterest!

3. I HATE it when people are not punctual!! If you tell me you are going to be somewhere at x time, then BE there! I am ALWAYS five or ten minutes early for everything! If I know I'm going to be late, I call!

4. I really am quite intolerant of stupid people who attempt to pretend that they are smart! I don't mind stupid people who just accept their lot in life, they can't help it. The ones though who act as if they ARE smart, when they are about as dumb as a box of rocks, irritate me though. I think Ron White said it best though, "You can't fix stupid!". You can't, so if you are stupid, just get used to it, but don't try to act smart if you aren't!!

5. I HATE touching garbage!! Every Monday it's garbage day here, Chance and Tanner's chore is to take down all the trash. I see them grabbing the bags, hoisting them over their shoulders, and then manhandling the bags to get them in the outside cans and it makes me ill! It's ALL I can do to touch the top of the bag to tie it and then throw it in the cans. I IMMEDIATELY go and scrub my hands!! The guys sometimes just go off to play, and I wonder how they can?!?! What REALLY sickens me is if garbage 'juice' gets on me!! GROSS!!! If that happens, I HAVE to take a shower, there is really NO other sane choice at that point!

6. I DO NOT WANT or ACCEPT parental advice from others!!! You raise your kids, I'll raise mine!! Thank you VERY MUCH!!

7. I'm a pretty busy man, yet I don't really feel ALL that busy! When people tell me they are 'busy', I'm like, "Yeah, right!" I have more going on than most people, yet I ALWAYS find the time to get everything done! I feel like telling them, "No, you are NOT busy, if you think you are, then you are NOT using your time wisely!".

There!! Seven random facts about me! Am I supposed to tag someone else now?? :)


Matthew said...

Hmmm... I just noticed that most of my 'random things' were about idiots! Oh well... :)

Andrea said...

I didn't tag anyone. I felt like Petra tagged enough for me. I too hate garbage juice. Just seeing it slosh in the bag and then if the cold part touches me and it feels wet, even though I'm not getting wet. ::shivers::

Oh idiots.

Matthew said...

LOL! GROSS!! Just reading your comment makes me want to go shower! :)

Petra said...

lol - I noticed that too (reference to your first comment).

I'm not a fan of garbage 'juice' either (lol at 'garbage juice'), but I don't feel the need to shower if some gets on me - I just wash off where it was. :)

I think the 'original' 7 random things included tagging 7 people, but I just tagged 4. :)

Matthew said...

Hmm... I wouldn't even KNOW 7 people that would actually do it! Hell, most people can't even comment, let alone go to the trouble of listing seven random things about themselves... So I'm not tagging anyone... :)

Daniel said...

Michelle hates to even touch the trash can to put trash in it. :)

I updated my blog today! Be excited!! LOL

Daniel said...

When did Petra turn into a flower?

Titus said...

does this bother you? (couldn't resist) :P

Petra said...

Yeah - I was looking for a new photo to put up but they all sucked, so I chose a flower? lol

Matthew said...

LOL Titus! I'm sure I'll survive! :)