So we decided to do the trip to Sausalito today, and then take the bus over to Muir Woods. So we left the hotel at 9:30 this morning and took the F line down to the San Francisco Ferry Building. When we got there, they had ALL sorts of markets and shops, we were kind of wishing we had gotten there earlier to check them out, but we got there with only enough time to get our ferry tickets and board the ferry...
The kids were quite excited about getting on the ferry, and I MUST say, I've been on ferries before, but never one this nice!
We took this pretty much as soon as we got off the ferry in Sausalito... What a nice little town!
Turns out the bus to Muir Woods didn't leave for a little over an hour, so we found this little place to eat lunch. It was actually pretty good, wasn't very big though.
This is a picture of us at Muir Woods in front of one of the trees. The trees were massive! The picture here doesn't quite do them justice though...
Oh cool - looks like another fun day! :)
Great photos matt, looks like you guys are having loads of fun.... The kids are so cute :)
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