Monday, July 09, 2007

Day 7...

So they came out today and plastered the pool and spa!

Yes, they have started filling it already, although he told me to turn the water off at 5:30... ALSO!! The freight company called me today and they are delivering the fence tomorrow!!! So I called the guy I am hiring to actually put it up, because I have WAY too many other things to finish!! So not sure exactly how long it will take him to install it, but he said it would only take a day... I guess if he hasn't gotten it done this week, I'll just do it myself this weekend, although, I'd rather spend the weekend framing the pool house, as it is also part of the barrier around the pool! We'll see I suppose... I wonder if Enrique knows how to put up a fence?? Or has a friend that does?? I think I'll call him!

So I'll have to admit, I was skeptical about the whole 30 day thing, but they still have 6 working days to go, so I suspect they will finish! If anything, it will be ME that holds anything up at this point! :)


Titus said...

Excellent! I'm surprised that you can fill it up straight away - i take it no curing time is needed?!

Matthew said...

They actually told me it HELPS it cure it to put water in it. Who knows, I'm not a pool builder... :)

I just assume they know what they are doing, of course assuming anything can get you in trouble at times! :)

Petra said...

Are you going to have chlorine or saline in the water? It looks awesome! :)

Joshua Goodling said...

wow - looks quite nice!!

Matthew said...

Not sure about the chemicals yet, once they are done, then they will show me how to do everything and what to put in it! :)

Petra said...

Only reason I asked is because I recently read in one of my home magazines about how saline is so much better for your skin and your breathing and if you swallow any, etc., and it doesn't have that smell that chlorine does. I'm not sure what's typically being used nowadays, obviously, since I don't have a pool. I'm not sure if you can use either with whatever equipment you have or if you have to have something special for the saline. Wow - I'm really rambling on about something that I know next to nothing about and has nothing to do with me - lol. It's late. What can I say?

Jackie said...

how exciting!!! looks great! do you all have your suits ready to go?? I hate bathing suit shopping... maybe it's just me :D sorry, random comment today :D