There will be plenty of government educated morons running around waving flags and lighting sparklers! There will be parades, parties, cookouts, etc... I dare say though that the VAST majority of the people participating in the events of the day have ZERO clue what freedom and liberty even mean. Pretty sad really! Our Nation is on the brink of collapse, and these fools think passing out flags and throwing a burger on the grill is enough! Well, that is what happens when you allow our government to 'educate' the populace...
Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!
Can you pass the citizenship test?
Some of the questions that could be asked...
sad... I did the test and barely got over 50%... some of the questions are tricky! stinkers!!!
we are off to Big Sur today! Get away from the housework and yardwork... just for the day!
Happy 4th! I'll take the test and let you know how I do. Did you pass it? :)
Jackie - ONE MONTH!? Really??? Where does the time go? :) We're excited about the trip - Andy's leave was approved so he'll definitely be coming with us (yay!!). :)
I took the test. I got an 85% (I got three wrong) and you had to get 80% to pass. Woo hoo. I know more than I thought. lol
I missed #9 and #19... :)
The time DOES seem to fly... Speaking of flying, our flight out to San Fran leaves in exactly 3 weeks!!! I better get busy! :)
I'm glad Andy's leave was approved!!
Andy only got 2 wrong - he got a 90%. fyi. :)
Andy got # 9 and #12 wrong. :) We both got #19 right, but purely b/c we guessed the right one. lol
I got #4, #5, and #18 wrong. Oh well.
Um Andy... #12 was a give away question, refer to #8... :)
Yeah, I guessed on #19 as well, uh hello! I never have and never will have to fill out that form!! :)
lol - yeah, in Andy's defense I was actually reading the questions to him. But yeah - that's how I got #12 correct. lol
yeah, I'm thinking if you just filled out the form (#19) and don't know what form it was then maybe you shouldn't become a citizen. lol
Well, since everyone else was taking it and posting their score - I took it and got 85%. I missed #4, 9, and 20. Of course, obviously I just hurried through them.....looking at the correct answers to those 3 it's obvious I didn't really read those answers too closely.
Nice excuses Josh. :)
Well, I had to come up with some excuse for not making 100% there Petra :-) lol
i just took it, got 85%. i got 3, 4, and 19 wrong.
I just took it and got 75% right, I forget which I missed. The one about who could declare war, the last one, etc. :)
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