They immediately started playing in the sand. Tanner and Taylor actually got in the water, it was WAY too cold for me, not to mention it was VERY windy! It was so windy for half the day, I thinked I got wind burn, if that's even possible! Of course the kids don't mind things like wind and cold it seems... :)
I forget where this was, somewhere on Pier 39 I think... There were boats everywhere, of course that's not surprising I suppose, considering all the piers there were... :)
Finally heading back to the hotel!! What a NIGHTMARE it is trying to get on the F line bus (or whatever they call it)... It is SO packed, there is barely room! This shot I took after most of the people had gotten off. When we TRIED to find either a cable car, bus or other means of transit to get back, the line for the cable cars was so long, there was no way. We finally managed to figure out where the F line stop was that would take us back to our hotel. The first one that came was too full for anyone to get on, so we walked up to the next stop and managed, barely, to get on the next F line that came by. Poor Taylor was practically squished when we first got on, but we managed to get her between us and finally a few people got off and then we were able to sit down for the last few minutes of the ride... I can't believe that some people do this every day! I'll take Acworth over this city living ANY day of the week!! :)
Kids - they just don't seem to care at all about being cold, wet, whatever. As long as it's fun. lol
The bus adventure sounds really fun! :)
Oh yeah, it was a BLAST! So much so, that I guess we are going to do it again tomorrow! :)
We'll have to look it up when we get there, We arrive tomorrow, yay!
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