The BAD thing about this trenching is, moving the thing around fills up areas that have ALREADY been trenched, and so I have to manually dig the dirt out! It's a LOT easier than digging the actual trench itself, but still!! When you have as many trenches as I've needed it's been a HUGE deal! Almost complete though!! I had to stop until I ate! Ran out of reserves! :)
I did finish those last few yards btw... I also dug out the dirt, so I only have a few more areas to remove dirt after dinner, then I can put the gas line and the water line in the trench and cover it up!!
GREAT!! It just started raining! They say it should only last for about 15 minutes though. You know, we've been in a drought for months! It's rained for the past four days here! So it makes for a muddy mess! I've toiled through it though, I have to return that trencher tomorrow at 4ish. I'm almost done with it though, luckily!
I don't know where you come up with all that energy! Maybe I should start your diet - lol (I'd probably DIE immediately if I was on your diet though - just the thought of waking up to coffee and cigarettes makes me want to vomit - lol). Anyway - hopefully you'll get it all done by tomorrow; I'm sure you will though - you are a machine!
LOL! I can't even function in the morning until I've had coffee! Once I get coffee (I usually just heat up what's left in the pot from the day before prior to starting a new pot, because I want it AS SOON as I wake up) then it's a cig... :)
i'm with you on the coffee and cig in the morning, it's the first thing i do EVERY morning!
also, on the food thing, i rarely eat except for dinner, and work my ass off outside too. sometimes i just sit down and get the energy up to get to the kitchen to get some fuel.
LOL Titus! Yeah, I'm the same way! I HATE eating! I wish there was a pill to take. There have been times though, when I literally have had to crawl to the refrigerator and just cram food in my mouth because I was working too long without eating anything and just had to have some fuel! Carolyn thinks I'm nuts btw!! :)
Of course I didn't LITERALLY crawl, but did have to go eat anything right away! :)
Oh I love to eat. And I eat all the time. I too would die. I can't stand coffee. And old coffee Matt?!? You can't wait the 10 min for a new pot. So sad. You should attend some sort of coffee drinkers anonymous club or something.
LOL Andrea! No, I CAN'T wait!! So I drink the 'old' coffee while waiting on the new pot to finish brewing... I'm not sure if there is a 'coffee anonymous' or not, but if there was, the LAST thing I'm interested in is sitting around listening to a bunch of fools talk about their issues!! :)
Wow. I'm surprised you are still alive - either of you. lol I pass out if I go more than a few hours without eating, especially if I'm working hard. Granted, I have blood sugar issues so that is much of the problem right there - when Andy sees that glazed look in my eyes and I start snapping at everyone, he immediately asks me "when is the last time you ate?" Then I eat and I'm good as new. But, like Andrea, I LOVE to eat - food is so awesome. I would marry food if I could. There is NOTHING that compares to sitting down to a plate of delicious food. I am even one of those people that sometimes makes mmmmm'ing noises when I take that first bite like I'm making love to my food. It's that good to me. I do understand being too busy to stop and eat though - but like I said, w/ my blood sugar, I can't do that anymore. I used to though. Of course I never started the day with coffee - gross. I hate the taste of 'bitter' which is why I hate beer as well. I also hate dark chocolate. Anything bitter. Yuck! Andy LOVES it and he can't function without his morning coffee either. I try to make it for him and he's like "yum, that's really.... great", but I know he's lying. I cannot prepare something that I hate and make it taste good. lol So he usually just says "Petra don't worry about - I'll fix my own coffee, you go relax" when really he's thinking "PLEASE don't make my coffee because you suck at it."
I really shouldn't leave comments late at night when I'm tired. Good heavens! Could this post BE any longer... and about NOTHING. Wow.
coffee is a must around here, especially when it has fat free hazelnut in it :D Thank goodness for the "coffee fairy" who makes it the night before, so it is nice and hot when we get up. :D huh??!! ;D
We rarely eat breakfast, even though I think it is important. We just can never get around to it, so much more going on. So by lunch and am ready to eat. I do notice a difference in myself and titus when we do eat lunch and how much energy we have throughout the day. EATING IS IMPORTANT!! :D
Lol. Petra. I used to always make coffee whenever I was at a hotel....just for funzies. I'm sure it was awful.
See I love dark chocolate (it's the best kind) and I love coffee beverages. Starbucks and Caribou are my best friends. But I just never got around to drinking straight coffee. Adam used to, but I explained to him that maybe he should stop since it made him feel awful every single day? So now he drinks about 10 cups of hot tea a day. lol.
Lol - I'm with Adam on that. I drink hot tea ALL day at work.
I drink a cup of hot green tea in the morning (having it now) and that's usually it. I limit my caffeine intake because of a previous caffeine addiction (which I realize pretty much everyone in America HAS a caffeine addiction, but I don't like anything having control over me - like if I don't have it I get headaches, blah, blah, blah). I drink bottled water the rest of the day, with an occasional glass of chocolate milk (I hate it white so I add chocolate so I can force down my daily dairy intake) or even more rarely, some juice (Juice gets my blood sugar up too high so even though I like it, I can't really have it much - sugar filled drinks I can have, but juice is too concentrated). Sometimes I'll have some caffeine free tea later in the day (like chamomile), but not often. I'd drink sweet tea when I ate out, but they serve it NOWHERE here and look at you like you are absolutely insane if you ask for it. Like no normal person would put sugar in tea... like I have just asked for marshmallows on my steak or something.
Now that you all know my daily drinking habits. Wow. Why am I so chatty lately?! Hmm... not that this is something new - I guess I always have a lot to say. Andy's back at work on a regular basis so maybe that's it - I don't have adult conversation during the day so I'm making up for it on the computer??? lol
LOL Petra! Be 'chatty' all you want here! :)
Gross on the whole 'anything' in coffee! I don't want flavors, sugar, milk, or anything else in it! I want it black, and not too hot so I can drink it! I NEVER did see how people could drink coffee that was boiling hot, I DO NOT want to sip my coffee, I want to drink it!! :)
Coffee makes Adam feel awful???? I'm SO glad I don't suffer that affliction!! :)
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