Starting out in the morning... We decided to take the cable car down to the Fisherman's Wharf area and see what the day brought forth...
It takes a WHILE at times for the cable cars to get there, and the line at times is almost too much... It wasn't too bad though as we headed out...
Chance was THRILLED to be able to hang off the cable car as we headed down to the Bay. Although I think it made Carolyn a nervous wreck at times...
We walked all the way down to Pier 33 to try and get tickets to go see Alcatraz, but they were sold out until August 1st... :( We missed it the last time we were here as well. We might try and go Sunday when we head back to San Francisco after our visit in Monterey though... So we decided to take the Bay Cruise Adventure instead. The cruise takes you out to the Golden Gate bridge and around Alcatraz, so everyone enjoyed that.
Of course you can't be anywhere near Pier 39 without eating at Neptune's Palace, so that is where we had lunch/dinner... I finally got Chance and Tanner to try crab, and they discovered that, "Hey, this is pretty good stuff!" Chance asked me if he could just get crab next time instead of chicken fingers... Which is a good thing, because there is more to eat in life than chicken fingers... :)
When I went to Alcatraz, I bought tickets ahead of time online - and I think it was sold out when I was there - so it was good I had gotten them already. I think I ate at that restaurant too - is it the one with all the windows at Fisherman's Wharf? Yummy! Looks like you guys are having a great time!!! :)
Yeah, that's the same restaurant Petra, I LOVE the seafood there!
I was going to get the tickets online myself, but neglected to do so... :(
Yeah, I recall the food being absolutely delicious there! I was by myself though (that was the first time I had ever eaten at a restaurant by myself - other than fast food, of course, but does fast food even count as a "restaurant"? - anyway, I was on a lone business trip and was like "who cares if I'm by myself? I'm going to eat something yummy while I'm here! - lol)
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