Sunday, July 22, 2007

No, I Didn't Finish...

I almost did though...

I've realized that I WON'T get it done, nor will the fence come anywhere close to getting put up before we leave for California... So now I just have to put some sort of temporary barrier around the pool... Still thinking on that one though... We fly out to San Francisco on Wednesday morning, so I'll barely have time to do that... I haven't even THOUGHT about packing yet, luckily Carolyn has piled all the stuff she thinks I might want to take though in the corner... :)


Titus said...

pretty amazing progress there, i didn't think you'd get as far as you did! good luck on the temp barrier..


Petra said...

wow - looks like you got pretty far. I'm impressed! Hope you find something to use as a barrier. :)

Joshua Goodling said...

Just tie a couple of Rotweilers up beside the pool. That will keep people out :-).

Good job on the framing!