Thursday, December 14, 2006

You know...

I was going to blog about this ridiculous article on about how some people decided that if every African male was curcumcised it would help the AIDS epidemic in that country, but changed my mind... Are they nuts?? It's about behaviour, not circumcision... You read some of the comments, and it's like "Wow!"... Circumcision is not necessary, it's behaviour... That's probably enough said on that topic, if the people who live in Africa continue to have the types of sexual behaviour that they do, HIV will be an issue... Circumcising all the males in Africa will not help... I wonder how much of our tax dollars went to that study...

I wonder why I even blog anymore... No one else does... I know, I deleted my own blog at one time, I'm not sure now why I started it back... Sure, people are 'busy' for the holidays... When people say they are busy though, are you too busy to spend a few minutes?? If you are that busy, you need help... Not just help, but a program of some sort to help you get control of your life... I could not imagine being "too busy" to take 5 minutes to type a few lines... If I'm ever 'that busy', someone shoot me...

I have a lot going on too, yet I have plenty of time to take a few minutes here and there... If anyone is SO busy that they cannot take the time to type a few lines, they likely need to rethink their lives and priorities... Amazing...

I had a lot more to say, but just got called, so think about it....


Anonymous said...

Maybe things in our neck of the blogosphere will pick up in the new year. . .

Anonymous said...

I still think that EVERYBODY in the family should maintain a blog. . . that way I'd actually know something about my extended family and maybe even what they look like!

Matthew said...

LOL... I doubt that will ever happen though Daniel... :)

Andrea said...

Um, I can't get my dreamweaver to let me update my blog? I'm not sure I've tried to update a couple times, and everytime it acts like it's working, and then does nothing to my site. So I'm sorry I haven't updated, but don't give up!

Tim said...

Ummm...have been extremely ill with flu and sick child. Will try to update soon though. Even when I don't update I still read often to see if everyone is well.

Matthew said...

Hope you are feeling better Timberly!!

I do realize that not everyone sits in front of a computer like I do all the time... :)

Wish I could offer suggestions Andrea, I did take a DreamWeaver course about 5 years ago, but it was for version 2.0 I think, and what are they on now? 8 or 9? Hope you get it figured out though... :)

Petra said...

Andrea - use an ftp program for uploading your file after you save it in Dreamweaver.

Yeah, this past few weeks was the first time I had been out of the blogosphere for so long. I was having withdrawals. LOL Never fear though, my dear fans, I am back! :)

I agree with Daniel - I wish the entire family would maintain a blog! I love reading the ones that take the time to keep up with it, and I enjoy maintaining my own. :)