Saturday, December 30, 2006

Father and Son Day...

So we decided to have a father and son day (it was supposed to be a mother and daughter day as well, but Taylor decided to go with our new neighbor somewhere, so they are going to do that later)... Chance, Tanner and I went to see the movie "Blood Diamond"... Excellent film... Kind of graphic in a way, but I do not think we should shield our children from issues that are going on in the world, I think most do, but I don't... I think you should let your children know what is going on, teach them about it, and then tell your children that they should thank the Almighty God each and every day that they live in the United States of America... Maybe that will raise up people who will actually try to protect our Great Nation, rather than raise up people who have no clue, don't care, or are simply not interested and who continually try to destroy it...

We had a good time though, then I took them to U.S. Play, which is a bowling alley/video game/fun place... That's what Chance and Tanner call it actually, 'The Fun Place'... :) So we had fun there, then got a bite to eat and headed back to the house...

We don't have big plans for New Years Eve, of course we never do... I can't even remember the last time I was still up at midnight on New Years Eve... We always have a little 'family' toast though, and try to do something constructive...

I do hope everyone has a great New Years Eve and a fabulous New Year, we intend to...


Matthew said...

Blood Diamond...

Petra said...

I was wanting to see that movie too. I'll have to check it out. Have you seen any other movies lately? We actually haven't been to the theater as much as usual lately.

Matthew said...

LOL... We go to see about 2 movies a year... :) I do want to see 'The Good Shepherd' and 'Apocolytpo' though...

Petra said...

I want to see 'the Good Shepherd' as well, but I heard it was too drawn out. I'm sure I'll still see it though. I have absolutely no interest in Apocolypto. :) I'll probably take the kids to see 'Night at the Museum' today or tomorrow.