Thursday, December 28, 2006

Global Warming...

I was going to have some lengthy expose on this topic, but then came across this little piece that Neil Boortz wrote on it, and I think it pretty much says what I was going to say:

"It looks like global warming is quickly moving to front and center as the big story right now. Magazines, newspapers, movies, television ... all full of specials on the grave threat to all mankind posed by the horrible global warming that is consuming our planet even as we speak. I read one column over the weekend warning the Wall Street financiers of New York City to become really involved in the global warming menace because, after all, their precious Wall Street will be under water within 40 years if they don't.

Since the media is relentlessly harping on the global warming theme, we're going to go ahead at the Boortz show and do our homework. We'll read as much as the available material as we can get our hands on, and will make sure that we get information from scientists who actually work in this field and who do not work for the government. Those of you who listen to the show know that I'm skeptical of this whole global warming frenzy .. but I'll try to keep an open mind here.
In the meantime ... here are just a few little factoids for you to play around with, factoids that cause me to doubt that whatever global warming we're experiencing can be blamed on the actions of man.

1. The sun is hotter. Period. This fact cannot be denied. The sun is going through a lengthy period of increased activity that causes it to radiate more heat into space. Is it really that hard to believe that a hotter sun would lead to a hotter earth?
2. Our polar ice caps are melting? Sure looks like it. But .. the polar ice caps on Mars are melting also. So, are we to believe that this is caused by man on the Earth but by the hotter sun on Mars?
3. And while we're talking about ice caps melting, it's worth noting that the ice pack in the heart of Antarctica is actually getting thicker!
4. Scientific data clearly shows that the Earth has undergone warming and cooling cycles for millions of years. Why, all of a sudden, does a warming cycle just have to be caused by the actions of man?
5. Scientists who work on government grants are more inclined to blame global warming on the actions of man than are scientists who do not depend on continued government (political) funding.
6. And just how much warmer has our atmosphere become in the last 100 years? One degree. That's it. Just one degree.
7. Many of the people who are so involved in promoting the man-made global warming theme are people who are also involved in anti-capitalist movements. So, what is their true goal? Do they want to solve the global warming problem, or do they want to cripple the capitalist systems they so hate?
8. The U.S. Senate snubbed the Kyoto treaty by a vote of 99-0. This was during the Clinton years! What did these 99 senators know about the Kyoto Accords that we don't know?
9. Speaking of the Kyoto accords, they would severely impact the U.S. economy, but would leave China absolutely alone! China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Since a huge number of Kyoto proponents can also be called anti-American, could this cause you to wonder what the true goal of Kyoto is?
10. And just how many years ago was it that these very same scientists were warming us about the earth getting cooler?"

So that little piece saved me from writing it, now I just have to comment on it and add my own two cents... :)

I think all of the "global warming" fanatics are just that, fanatical, raving lunatics who hate capitalism so much, that they intend to use the whole "global warming" platform to destroy our country... We can start with Al Gore, this nut is SO pissed that Georgie "stole" the election, he has nothing else to do... According to this psycho, we have 9 years and 31 days left before the earth is a frying pan...

"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it."
~ H.L. Mencken

The very idea that man could bring about climate change is so ludicrous you can hardly make it up... It's pretty simple really, the cyclical nature of the sun brings about cooler periods and warmer periods... We have VERY little data to sift through as it is, we have recorded temperatures since what? 1850? What about the supposed 'Medieval Warm Period' from 800-1300 AD? I think that most of the people who are 'Global Warming" fanatic psychos have an agenda...

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ~ H. L. Mencken

There is virtually ZERO 'proof' that anything we do or have done has caused this whole 'Global Warming' thing... These idiot "scientists" and activists who promote the whole thing are just that, complete and utter idiots! The so-called "scientists" can't even figure out whether or not eggs are good or bad for us, salt, milk, fat, on and on it goes, these morons change their mind every few years about whether or not these things are good or bad for us, and most of the time they all agree... They can't even figure out whether or not eggs are good or bad for us and they have SO much data to sift through on that topic, and everyone is just going to blindly follow these fools when they have virtually NO data about what causes "Global Warming"???

I'll stick with the cyclical nature of the Sun...


Matthew said...

No, I don't buy into the whole "millions of years" thing...

Matthew said...

LOL... I don't doubt that the earth is warming (1 degree over the past 100 years); what I disagree with is the mentality that it is the cause of man...

To somehow think that man has the ability to alter the climate is absurd...