Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Dave Ramsey...

Not sure if anyone has heard of this guy, but seems like he gives sound financial advice and is a Christian. He recently took over for the guy I used to listen to on my way home from work (which I didn't care for)... Anyway, I bought a book from him yesterday and you can check out his Total Money Makeover for free for 30 days if you want to:

Link Here...

Coupon Code: 30DGIFT

His site is here if you want to check it out as well, that Identity Theft insurance he talks about looks like something to have in this day and age...



Matthew said...

Okay, maybe I should not have posted this... Looks like a bunch of losers who bought all sorts of crap they could never afford and now they wonder why they are having issues... "Buy now, no payments until 2009 with zero interest"... If you fall for that kind of crap, you don't pay cash for vehicles, you have credit card debt or a home equity line of credit... Then the site may be just the thing you need... Looks like sound advice for people with issues or for people who like to borrow money...

I used to do that, but we have come to our senses... We no longer borrow money from anyone, use credit cards, tap into our home equity, and we are trying to figure out how we can somehow pay off our mortgage in a few years...

DEBTective said...

Bub, just wanted to say a big-time thanks for spreading the word about Dave Ramsey and debt freedom. Great job, also, on deep-sixing your own debt. Dave's plan makes tons of sense, doesn't it. Way to go on the dough, baby! www.debtective.com

Tim said...

We have used Dave's stuff. He is really good. I listen to his radio show at times.

Petra said...

I have his book, Financial Peace. We learned our lesson the hard way on the money issues (as did most of us, I'm sure), but we no longer even HAVE credit cards and will hopefully only have one bill after this years tax refund. It's so much nicer just paying cash for things... guilt-free! :)