Monday, December 04, 2006

Race to the White House...

You know... A lot of people jumping in the ring, but I think the Dems have it, we'll see... Name one Republican who can win it... I almost think that Hillary will take it... Who can beat her? How about this scenario: Hillary/Obama? They win for sure. Romney? The Republican base doesn't like it that he is such a devout Morman. Guliani? The Republican base hates the fact that he is okay with abortion and gays. McCain? The Republican base doesn't like him. I say the Republican base are a bunch of idiots! We saw that in the 2006 election... They are so freaking stupid, they would rather hand over control of the House and Senate than cave on a few issues... We're not talking about Salvation here, we are talking about control of our Country!!! We need a new party! What to do?? It almost reminds me of sitting in a Baptist church meeting, to hell with the consequences, most of the people are too damn stubborn to do anything because of conflict... Welcome to America... Amazing!


Matthew said...

If anyone bets, I'll guarantee you that within the next year, they grant amnesty to the 20 million illegal invaders in this country... That's 20 million votes for Hillary, trust me...

Joshua Goodling said...

Yeah, I was just looking at all the people lining up for a possible run on the Republican ticket, and I didn't see a single one that would have a chance at winning.

I think the only one that might be able to pull it off would be Guiliani, but as you said - he's too far to the left of the Republican "base" to actually get the nomination.

Petra said...

Good post. I don't know though - Guiliani might pull some of the Democratic votes to our side, so he still might be able to do it, even if the extremists who will only vote for someone that agrees with them on every little tiny point instead of seeing the big picture don't vote for him.