Friday, December 15, 2006

Falwell on Imus...

May not be for everyone... :)

Jerry Fallwell Appears On Imus


Matthew said...

Not sure if anyone else watches Imus in the Morning, but I thought this little segment fairly appropriately covered the ridiculous memorial Franklin is planning for Rev. Graham...

Joshua Goodling said...

Yes, I can't believe the millions they are spending on that stupid barn! People are supposed to worship and honor Jesus Christ - not a think of all the good they could do around the world with that money!

Matthew said...

LOL... It's not really Jerry, unless you knew that already... :)

Tim said...

What is Imus in the Morning???

Matthew said...

It's a show on MSNBC and it comes on the radio in the morning, which just happens to be what I watch when I get up, then I listen on my way to work... :)