Come to find out, it was 7,220 pounds of debris, I guess that is why!
Of course in hindsight, I could have rented a roll-off to be brought out and saved myself the hassle of loading and unloading the thing! Live and learn they say! Chance was a trooper though, he helped me unload it and never stopped! Tanner took MANY breaks! LOL! I don't blame him! I have more debris, I'm going for the roll-off this time...
Why so many posts on a Saturday you might ask? Well, I've got to take a break every now and then... :)
Uh, yeah - I think I would have opted for the construction dumpster rental myself :-).
LOL! Trust me, I will next time, cost would have been about the same, and I wouldn't have had to manually unload it!
That's so funny. Justice will get out there and work hard without stopping too, but Jarvis, well... that's another story. LOL
Did I read that receipt correctly? It cost you $144 to dump it???? I think I might have found a back alley somewhere. Heh heh. :)
Oh - we rented a construction dumpster in Louisville - so easy. You just throw your stuff in there and they come get it. Yeah - I say you do that next time. In case you were going to ask. :)
LOL! Yeah, you read it correctly, they charge by the ton! I'm going with the dumpster next time, no doubt!! :)
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