Yeah, not sure why, I see some people post TONS of pics, it will NEVER let me... Anyway, more pics for those who care to see them... :)

Anyway, we had a great time. We went swimming as well, shopping, eating, etc... I HATE the traffic in Pigeon Forge, but hey, it's a tourist trap! I am SO GLAD to be back home though. I've been without an internet connection for nearly three days!! NOT GOOD! Of course, I did have the dialup thing, but 28.8 doesn't cut it with me!! I can't even do it. Amazing though, because I remember not long ago, that was all we had! Time flies though, and the technology gets better! Now back to work, I have a deck to build and a pool house to build!!! :)
Cabin looks great! :)
It was great! :) We're thinking of buying one, just trying to figure out if they are profitable or not... :)
Nice cabin! Yeah, those sky flier things can't be good for you :-) -- I remember once Joel and Kendra went up in that thing.
looks like a fun weekend! the sky dive looks like a blast!
cabin looks awesome, sounds like a fun weekend.
Thanks for posting the pics. Looks like a great time!
looking forward to the progress report on the pool..
LOL! Yeah, me too! Nothing has been done since the last pic because we are waiting on the freaking inspector... Until the inspector signs off on what has been done so far, nothing else can be done. The idiot was supposed to be out here today, but he didn't make it... :(
Keep in mind, I live in Paulding County... :) These are people who just recently discovered that there were things like debit/credit cards...
HOLY #@#$%!! That is crazy!! No, thanks!! I prefer my feet on the ground at all times!! :D Cabin looks so nice!!!
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