So about three months ago, we bought this refrigerator on Craigslist (have I mentioned how much I LOVE that site?). Cory and I tried to carry it up the stairs, couldn't... I think the thing weighs about a thousand pounds. Actually severely strained my rotator cuff trying to do it. They told me to go to physical therapy for 4 weeks. I went to one session, then was like, you know, I've got better things to do. I told my mind, deal with it, we're working anyway, pain or not... Then went on about my business. So the question, "How do you get a refrigerator you can't lift up to the second floor?".

The thing came with forks, so I just basically shoved it through the front door just like I did with the entertainment center... I might also add that my rotator cuff no longer bothers me! Mind over body!!
lol Looks like it barely fit! :)
LOL! Yeah, it did JUST fit! Not sure what the next plan would have been! LUCKILY I don't have to come up with one! :)
Yes, I DO realize I need to paint the shutters!! I actually started THAT project about two years ago, but only got the front four windows done... :)
All in good time people!!
So, I have a question. Do you stop in the middle of everything you do and take a picture?? :-) lol
Looks like that bobcat was really a good investment on your part!
LOL Joshua! Yes, actually I do! I've documented, via photographs, each and every task I have done on this house... Thinking that when I am FINALLY done, I will take the pictures and do a start to finish thing... We'll see if that actually happens! :)
The kids however hate it, because I'll be in mid chore, and will say, "Chance, Tanner, Taylor!" Whichever one answers, gets to go fetch the camera. Chance has gotten smart though, he doesn't respond unless I say his name twice and he knows I mean it! :)
looks like fun!
too funny about the physical therapy session. i do the same thing though, with back pain.
that bobcat sure is coming in handy!
LOL! Yeah, I was wondering yesterday, "How do people manage without one of these?" :)
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