Amazing really, but I suppose not... It only took them a few hours to complete it!

Yeah, the pool house is going over there next to the pool heater, and NO, I've not yet started on it!!! It won't take long to build though (yeah, right Matt!) I prefer to be optimistic! :) Set your goals HIGH, then if you don't reach them, you probably still got a LOT more done than a pessimist who is setting goals... :)
So next step is laying the flagstone coping around the edge of the pool, then layers of tile around the top and then plaster... Should have the flagstone and tile delivered tomorrow, and possibly up on Friday!! We'll see how that works out! :) The kids are starting to get excited now, so I better go get my ass busy!!! :)
wow! coming right along!! :)
yippy!!!! looks great!
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