Yeah, I know, it's not his birthday yet, but he is going to Wyoming for two weeks for one of his science classes at the college he goes to. So we had his party tonight!

Time flies!! Cory is looking forward to his trip to Wyoming though. Once he gets back, it will nearly be time to fly out to California! We are all looking forward to that! We are going to go to Pigeon Forge next weekend I guess as well. We promised Betty (family friend) that we would go, and next weekend is really the only time we'll be able to go... So the kids are looking forward to that. Won't be long and the summer will be over...
Happy early birthday to Cory! :)
I can't believe we're already a week into June! Luckily the schools here don't start until after Labor Day though, so our summer will be longer (of course the kids will have to go a few weeks into June next summer though).
Uh - that last comment was Petra not Brittany. She was using my laptop and I guess she was still signed in. :)
My kids WISH school started then, here it starts August 6th... Which is actually the day we are flying back from CA so they will obviously miss the first day...
No, I don't know why I'm up... I just woke up for some reason, got coffee, then realized what time it was! The problem is, I HATE going back to bed once I have gotten up... :(
Happy Birthday, CORY!!!
Looking forward to meeting and seeing you in California!!
ps--- I need more old photos to giggle at!! :D
happy b-day cory!!! lol at the time, i sometimes get up around 3 or 4, and like you, hate going back to bed once up, so i just stay up.
I have absolutely no problem going back to bed! I went back to bed twice this morning. :) Of course, when you are used to waking up with babies for the past decade and a half, I guess going back to bed is just 'built in'. :)
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