For some reason, EVERY time I put that back in the wall, all the outlets don't work?!? So I'm going to have to run a new wire to the box.
It's ALWAYS something!! I'm done though for the night, and am about to watch a movie with Carolyn. So who knows when that will get done! :)
I should have just run the wire, because the movie I watched was so stupid, you can't hardly make it up...
In case anyone was wondering, the name of the movie was: 'Lucky # Slevin'...
Yes, I didn't care much for that movie either.
LOL, Matt.
I love checking in on your blog. I hardly did anything this weekend, but now after reading your blog and having these vicarious experiences, whew, I'm tired! :)
always something eh? yeah, that was a stupid movie..
I saw that movie, but I can't remember if I liked it or not. So I can't say whether or not it was stupid. It obviously wasn't very memorable though. LOL
What kind of TV is that? We're thinking (and by we, I mean I) of getting an hdtv, but can't decide what kind to get.
Here is the TV info Petra:
LG 42" Plasma Integrated EDTV w/Clear Filter
Depends on your definition of new I suppose... We've had it for about six months I guess...
Yeah, inevitably Titus. How is that island coming along? :)
Petra, Plasma is good! But LCD is better if you have a lot of light in the room! you almost have it completed Matt! Then you will be able to relax with the other million things you have going. BTW! You guys want a puppy.
LOL Joe! I'm sure the kids do, you'll have to ask them and Carolyn when you are over next. I'm against it!! They could 'possibly' over rule me, we'll see... :)
blol @ 'they could possibly overule me'. i love soph to death, so i recommend getting the puppy!! (i put two exclamation marks b/c you put two saying you were against it) :) :)
i'll put up a pic on the blog about the kitchen island, damn, i tell you, if i had the right tools it would be easier. i wish i did have the proper equip, but it has been an exercise in ingenuity.
Not having the right tools can turn a 10 minute task into a week long affair! Trust me, I've been there! When Carolyn and I first got married, I had no tools. Over the years though, and after many projects, in multiple houses, the collection of tools seems to grow quite a bit... :)
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