I'm also sure I've mentioned how much I LOVE Craigslist! Well, when I pulled in the driveway today, there was a truck also pulling in. Carolyn saw this tub on Craigslist:

She LOVES Craigslist as well... She did tell me she was getting it, but I wasn't really aware of the dimensions, nor did I ask. It turns out though that I'll have to COMPLETELY gut and redo the bath to fit it in... Just as well I guess, as that is practically the last room that I haven't redone in this house... I wonder when that will happen?? :)
I'm not sure I would ever want a used tub. I'm a little paranoid about germs. But as far as used tubs go, it looks nice.
And now, you have something to work on when you finish the deck. You won't get bored! I can stop worrying.
love the pic of you in the bobcat!! LOL
I'm so glad I've been able to eliminate a worrying point for you Andrea... :)
Yeah, not sure why I post pics like that Daniel... :)
I am a bit curious though Andrea, as to what perhaps the difference is between buying a used tub and say using one in a hotel, an apartment or condo, or for that matter even in a home (unless it's brand new)? Of course having working in the construction industry for many years, I won't get into what exactly happens in those "new" tubs prior to the homeowner actually moving in... :)
All the talk about Whiplash on Andrea's blog got me wondering about people's nicknames. . . Do you have a nickname Matt? What are the nicknames of other family members (preferably share the most embarassing ones).
Yes, I spelled embarrassing wrong. . . oops.
In case you're curious (which you probably aren't, but oh well), my family nicknames include:
King Buzzer
I think Bubba probably stayed with me the longest, mostly because that's what Kendra always called me (and maybe still does?).
By the way (yes, I have NOTHING to do today - if you couldn't already tell), when are you going to throw up some more old photos. I think that should be a regular thing, maybe bi-weekly post some good old pics.
Hmm... Nicknames... You know, I can't think of any nicknames that I've ever been called, just Matt or Matthew, of course maybe someone can refresh my memory. :)
I can't even really think of any for my siblings. I think Timberly used to be Puddles. Seems like Petra had one, although I can't recall it right now. I'm sure once Petra has a chance to peruse the blogs again, she will have MUCH better recollect than I! :)
LOL! I'm actually in the same boat! I was going to go to the dump, but it is about to storm, so I decided to do nothing at all for a change! :)
So perhaps I should drag out some old photos. I need to get something up, I'm tired of seeing that bobcat picture everytime I look at the blog, need it to move on down the page... :)
Yes Daniel, I am always curious! :)
Um - don't you live in a used apartment Andrea? I'm pretty sure the previous tenants used the tub there. I'm just saying. :)
Nicknames? I won't reveal the ones that scarred me for life. I know Kendra was and is still to me 'the Kendster' :) - Oh, when me and Kendra went to Missouri with Grandma when we were like 11 and 12 I think - Uncle Melvin called Kendra Frizzy Lizzy (because I braided her hair so it would be "crimped"?) and he called me Cowgirl Sue (because I think I was wearing a cowboy hat at some point during the trip? Oh no - I think I had some cowgirl boots that I thought were the bomb, although looking back I'm sure I looked absolutely ridiculous). Anyway, Kendra and I called each other those names for years, but I don't think anyone else ever joined in. LOL
LOL! Anything really about you and Kendra during those years is worth LOLing about. . . Ah, precious memories. . .
Ummm Matt, thanks for bringing up the Puddles bit, I must now go in my closet and repeat my mantra for releasing my childhood. Putting it in a bubble and blowing it away -- yes I stole that from Dharma and Greg :). I think people still call me Tim and of course many people still call me Kimberly. I usually do not correct them because it is passing people and I will never see them again. It often takes to much time to correct people, more time than I want to spend with passing people of course.
Tub looks nice, for a used one of course :). When LeRoy and I start updating, renovating, and adding on to our small abode we will have to utilize the much mentioned craigslist.
LOL. Sorry Timberly, if necessary, I'll cover any psychiatric expenses...
It was the only nickname I could think of at the time... :)
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