The birthday boy and guests!

Chance has been wanting a dirt bike all year! I've been looking for one, but um, they were all kind of expensive! I finally found this outfit that has some that are reasonable, but they are 32 miles north on GA 400 (Of course only those familiar with ATL will understand what that means!) So I have to go get it tomorrow! So I had to get creative for the party since there were no other presents! :)
Oh yeah, I forgot, the WORST part is, I have to take him and his friends to the Sparkles roller rink on Saturday! UGH!!
No, I'm NOT done with that "other room" yet either! :)
cool - I'm sure my boys will want a dirt bike after I show them Chance's. lol Have fun at the roller rink. ;)
LOL! I HATE the roller rink!!! :)
Happy Birthday Chance!!!
Finally a teen, eh?!
Happy B'day Chance!
Matt (notice I'm using the proper name now) - I think that one guy sitting next to Tanner is in every picture you post of your kids.
Did you adopt him yet? LoL
LOL Joshua! His Dad introduces me as Nate's "step-dad"... :)
Pretty awesome. I wasn't aware people still went to skating rinks? I thought they all closed down with herpes years ago. How interesting.
You'd be amazed how busy the roller rinks are Andrea!
So I drove 32 miles north on GA 400 to go get Chance his dirt bike. When I got there, I saw this tractor trailer with the name of the company and a phone number... I called the number and was like, "Don't you guys have a physical location?" He was like, "Yeah, you go north on 400..." Um, I'm here in front of a tractor trailer... "Yeah, we unlock that on Sundays and spread them out." GREAT!!! So now I have to go BACK out there on Sunday!! :(
That seems sketchy if I do say so myself.
Yikes a motor bike! they scare me. Glad you like it though. :D
yea, I haven't been to a roller rink in years. Matt, do you get out there and skate??
LOL Jackie! Well... The first time I took them I did, but I don't anymore... :)
Yeah Andrea, I'm with you! I STILL have to make the drive back out there on Sunday though!!! :(
seems a bit shady to me as well. Do they only accept cash? LOL
Happy Birthday Chance. They boys will be jealous of the dirt bike, they been asking for one for awhile. We'll have to check out the "sketchy" locations, LOL.
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