Every time we go to the skating rink, I swear that I'll NEVER go again!! Inevitably though, I find myself saying the EXACT same thing about a year later! :) Yeah, I'd have more pictures, but my camera sucks inside the building for some reason... Of course I don't take my nice one, because I don't want to fall on it and smash it! :)
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Pool House Day 5...
My trenches aren't "exactly" 45 degree turns...
I don't often get frustrated, but I did momentarily while trying to run it. Finally I just said screw it and packed my tools up. I'll have to either go find some flex fittings tomorrow or do more digging, Umm... I'll try to find the flex fittings, I know they make them. :) I'm doing NOTHING else for the rest of the day!!!
Happy Birthday Chance!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Pool House Day 4...
New Design...
Monday, June 25, 2007
Construction Zone...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Cory's Trip...

It was amazing looking at the photos! Cory had a GREAT time!

By Cory taking this trip, he got credit for two geology classes! The only thing else he has to do is meet up with the people he went on the trip with next week and they have to write a paper. He had a great time though and is back safe and sound!
Pool House Day 2...


Saturday, June 23, 2007
Day 17...
Van Meter Moving Day...

Friday, June 22, 2007

I got many replies from people that wanted to do it. In the ad I had said that I have a bobcat, just come do it. Why don't you do it Matt you might ask... Well, have you ever driven one? It's an art, that's for sure. Anyway, Enrique is coming out tomorrow morning at 7:30AM to do it for me. I told him about the concrete pad for the pool house, and he was like: "That's my trade, I'll help you do that too if you want." We'll see how that works out, but I think I lucked out!!! So while I'm out tomorrow helping the Van Meters move, my work will be getting done for me!!! :)
Day 18...
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pool House Day 1...
Codes, codes, codes...
I did however manage to get the building permit today for the pool house, with minimal effort. Of course they practically know me up there as I recently pulled the deck and pool permits. She was asking me if I had the plumbing, electrical or HVAC permits yet, to which I replied: "Huh?" Then I just started talking about how I had the pool permit, and I ran 2 gauge wire out to a sub-panel that will feed the pool equipment as well as all the circuits in the pool house... She was like, "Oh, well then I'm sure you have those permits then." Whew!! Because I have zero clue. I have talked to several of the inspectors as well, and they all seem nice. When I called to see at what phases I needed them to come out and inspect the deck, the inspector was like, "Oh, just build the damn thing, then we'll come out and take a look." I was like, "I thought you had to inspect the footings for the posts before I poured the concrete." To which he replied, "Nah, we'll just probe the footings once you are done." So hopefully it will all be smooth sailing as I prepare to get this thing done!!
I've got to get that area ready for some guy to come pour the concrete for the slab mid next week, and NO, I've not yet started! I'm about to go to the subdivision they are building down the road to check out the plumbing that goes in the slab prior to the pour! Don't want to screw that up, and I barely know what I'm doing in that department! Can't be that hard though! :)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
How Do You??

The thing came with forks, so I just basically shoved it through the front door just like I did with the entertainment center... I might also add that my rotator cuff no longer bothers me! Mind over body!!
I LOVE The Internet...
Bid Clerk
I posted a job listing saying I needed a 14' x 22' concrete slab poured for my pool house. I've already had 3 calls, and have actually just gotten a bid submitted for only $870!!! I was calling a few people and MOST wanted WAY more!!! The Internet, I LOVE it!!!! :) So that pool house might get up quicker than even I would have imagined!! :)
End Of Day 20...

Day 20...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What A Chore...

Monday, June 18, 2007
Work, Work, Work...

Of course I still have to get the foundation ready for the pool house. I have to run the plumbing and tap into the septic tank for the shower/toilet/sinks in the pool house. The pool fence is on its way. Which I'll have to put up obviously once it arrives. Of course the deck, but that can wait if need be... :) The most critical thing though is I have to run the electric and gas out to the pool equipment!! I have the wire and the conduit to run it in. I need the gas pipe yet, but should pick it up tomorrow at a supply house nearby. I guess I'll rent a tool to dig the trench for the electic/gas tomorrow or the next day. No, they can't be in the same trench. Plus, I have to bore underneath the driveway for the electric... Whew, I get tired thinking about it. Whatever, it will all soon be done. So who knows when there will be a meaningful post on here again... :)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Pigeon Forge II...

Anyway, we had a great time. We went swimming as well, shopping, eating, etc... I HATE the traffic in Pigeon Forge, but hey, it's a tourist trap! I am SO GLAD to be back home though. I've been without an internet connection for nearly three days!! NOT GOOD! Of course, I did have the dialup thing, but 28.8 doesn't cut it with me!! I can't even do it. Amazing though, because I remember not long ago, that was all we had! Time flies though, and the technology gets better! Now back to work, I have a deck to build and a pool house to build!!! :)