Sunday, October 15, 2006

Weekend Project...

So we have these pots on the wall right next to our house, we usually have to replace the flowers in them twice a year... So it is time in GA for pansies... Last year our pansies lasted throughout the entire winter it was so mild... So it was time to replace them... I also decided to change out the soil because it hasn't been changed in nearly four years, and also I saw my neighbors plants which were huge, and I asked, what are you feeding those things? She said that they don't use soil, just manure.... Hmm I thought, so I decided to do the same and filled all the planters with bags of organic manure/compost from Home Depot, I'll let you know how it works out... :)

Getting started, did I say I hate planting stuff?? I do, but I enjoy the results, so I do it!

Finally done, just have to clean up... We had a ton of pansies left over, which Carolyn planted in that other bed we had put the rocks around... Pictures did not turn out that well, I'll take another one later... :)


Petra said...

Cool! Looks good!! We got started on our yard today, but got rained out. We filled up all the holes that Hannah had dug in the yard (ugh!), and put rocks on top of her favorite digging places (by the air conditioner and a couple areas near the fence) - it looks so much better... need to plant some grass seed now, and I'm going to plant some flowers and some other things before Andy comes home.

Did the manure stink? yuck!

Matthew said...

LOL... It doesn't actually... :)

Joshua Goodling said...

Good job! Yeah, I'm with you on the hating planting stuff!! I don't like any kind of yard work.

Matthew said...

LOL... Yeah, luckily I only have to plant the stuff (and most of the time Carolyn does the planting)... Then I pay my kids to pull the weeds and Cory mows, edges, blows, etc... :)