Friday, October 27, 2006

Christ Like...

So how many people do you know who are? How many people do you know who strive to act as Christ did? Christians... They almost nauseate me to tell you the truth... I'll admit that I have not regularly attended church for over 22 years... Every church I ever went to though, people got so worked up over the most ridiculous of issues... I've attended a LOT of them though, so I CAN speak from experience, and not just one church... I'd list the churches, but it's not my intention to 'create divide', just awareness of the issue...

I was listening to Bill Maher on The O'Reilly Factor, Bill had him on after CBS would not let him talk about religion on the Katie Couric 'Free Speech Segment' that she does... (No wonder she is so far down in the ratings) Maher declined to participate though when he realized that it wouldn't actually be 'free speech'... Bill O'Reilly however, did let him have free speech... (Side note: people who detest O'Reilly are morons, he allows everyone to speak freely on his show, the main stream media however does not, the people who are the most pissed off are the ones who are just now realizing that they no longer have a 'lock' on telling all of Americans what the 'news' is, and they can no longer spin it the way they want... ANYONE you hear screaming about O'Reilly, or any of the other people on cable news shows that don't censor or spin the news to the liberal left leaning, are likely people who hate America and want the news spun to their benefit)

Back to Maher though, you can go read the transcript on Fox News if you want, but Bill Maher said this, "Jesus as a philosopher is wonderful. There's no greater role model, in my view, than Jesus Christ. It's just a shame that most of the people who follow him and call themselves Christians act nothing like him."

Could not agree with him more, and I agree with very little Maher has to say... So called 'Christians' give Jesus Christ a bad name... I've never met a person who claimed to be a Christian that gave Jesus a 'good' name... 'Christians' pick and choose issues to believe in, I call it selective sinning... If 'Christians' disagree, they just ignore it, it's nauseating...

What these so called 'Christians' do not realize is how much influence they have on so many people... I disagree with virtually everything Maher has to say or do, but I get from his comments that if he actually saw a Christian who was trying to be Christ like, he likely could be turned to Christ... It's sad really how many people claim to be 'Christians', yet are likely not... I'll bet there will be many surprised people when we all stand at the Judgement Seat of Christ, and God says, 'I never knew you'...


Matthew said...

I have not attended church regularly in over 22 years, but to clarify, we have found a very nice Methodist church that we have been attending now since mid August, and we all love it!! I look forward to the services, something I've NEVER done my whole life... I find myself though, looking forward to Sunday now, my wife and kids do as well!!

We had gone to that Western Hills church for several months prior, but it just became tedious, and I started to see some of the same things that I've seen in all the other baptist churches I've gone to all my life, and it sickens me... (Sad really)

Joshua Goodling said...

Yes, the vast majority of people who "claim" to be Christians, never act like they should.

Mark Twain is quoted as saying; "If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be - a Christian." Meaning He wouldn't act the way most people claiming that title act.

One of my favorite books is "In His Steps" which is a fictional story of people who purposely set out to act as Jesus would.

Petra said...

I have known and do know people who try to be Christ-like in all that they do. Unfortunately, they are few and far between.

Yes, it is sad indeed.

Petra said...

Oh, I am glad you guys are still enjoying that church you are attending. I LIKE the church here, but I am hoping and praying that we find one in WA that I LOVE. :)

Anonymous said...

Church attendance? I say - who cares about church attendance . . . anybody can go sit in a pew; what about Bible reading? prayer? study? DAILY LIVING?! I don't really use church attendance as a measure of anything. Not that that was your point, but. . .

I know a couple of people who are Christlike - and it is an amazing and beautiful thing.

Matthew said...

No, I never used church attendance as a measure of anything either...