Thursday, October 12, 2006

Appease vs. Destroy...


Matthew said...

Pretty simple choice really, unless you are complete freaking moron...

Joshua Goodling said...

That's an awesome commercial! Those stupid democrat liberals are a bunch of morons!!

Matthew said...

The thing that irritated me the most was that YouTube allowed the video to be flagged as offensive... After the huge outcry though, they removed the flag...

The Dems want free reign to bash Republicans, but don't want it both ways... Just like that movie that ABC aired about Clinton, he was furious and the Clinton machine tried to squash it, did Bush do that with the Fahrenheit 9/11 movie that not only distorted facts, but was completely not factual at all? Of course not, because Bush is a man and Clinton is a sleeze bag that cares more about his 'legacy' than he does about our Country...

Albright nauseates me... Always has...

Matthew said...

Article Here...

Petra said...

offensive? to who, our enemies? it really gets me how the liberals expect us to be soooo careful not to offend the people that are trying to blow our brains out. but bring up anything Christian or Conservative and like you said, they bash us.