Friday, October 13, 2006


It's almost comical how many people think they know what God thinks... The arguments go back I'm sure to the moment Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden... I can imagine Cain and Abel arguing about which sacrifice God would prefer... So if they started arguing that soon after being thrown out of the Garden of Eden, I guess it's amazing that we are not arguing more than we do as a people... God has many names, I'd go into them here, but they are too numerous for this post, God has always been and always will be... Think about that for a minute and try to wrap your brain around it... Nearly impossible to do! I wonder though what God must think about us arguing about such silly stuff all the time? I'm sure he is not very happy. I just wonder how many people read the same Bible I do? Genocide? God has commanded it in the past, not just genocide, but kill every man, woman, child, and animal... Slavery? God has allowed the Israelites to be enslaved many times... I guess the thing that kills me the most are the idiots who talk about peace... There has never been peace on the earth, and I doubt there ever will be. We currently are the most powerful nation on the earth, how long though? Look back at history... Although, I would dare say, that most of the idiots who spout half this stuff know ZERO about history. Look back in time, human behaviour does not and has not changed no matter the time period you look at. It likely never will. I just get tired of talking to and/or arguing with people when they know nothing about history and only argue from a very limited knowledge of events current and in the past... It's all I can do actually to barely even feign interest... Get your facts straight if you want to talk to me... I just now heard a commercial about "Stop the Darfur violence"... People just don't get it... Any country in this day and age where the people still live in tents and or mud huts, ummm... The people must not be very strong... The people who try to act as if we, the USA, should solve all these issues are idiots. I can't speak for God, but I'm sure He agrees. If the people of a country are not strong enough to grow their country, well, what can you do?? Look at some of those countries that were impacted by the tsunami not long ago... There was that one group of people who hadn't had any interaction with any outside people in years and years, if ever... So back to my original post about God and people who think they know what He wants and peace activists who want to hug trees and for there to be peace.... Idiots! What other word is there? If you can think of one, let me know... Read the Bible, study history, then get back to me... I know I'm not very eloquent on my posts, but I don't feel it's necessary... I can be eloquent, but I type these posts up in a few minutes as a thought strikes me, and do not 'prepare' material for them, I reserve that for other things... :)


Matthew said...

Interesting... More to come...

Petra said...

I have talked to a lot of people who think they know a lot about God and the Bible, yet when they speak about it - nothing that comes out of their mouth makes sense. It's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Few there be that find the path of life. . .

I'm rarely around anybody interested in discussing anything of substance like this - making I'm in the wrong circles?

Anonymous said...

making = maybe

Matthew said...

I've not ever met many who want to discuss things like this either, sad really...

Petra said...

I used to be around people that didn't want to discuss things of substance. When we moved here, I determined to make friends with Christians (and avoid my usual veer-towards-the-wrong-crowd tendencies, even at church), and I can now say that God comes into almost every conversation with the majority of my friends and me. It's nice! :)

Matthew said...

Your lucky though Petra... We've gone to so many churches here looking for one, and they do not exist... We do like the one we go to now, but I don't hear anyone engaging in topics such as this... There are few that will... It's one thing to talk about God, it's another altogether to talk about the topics I mentioned in my post...

Petra said...

I actually didn't meet most of my friends at church (although I did meet a few, but not the people I hang around on any kind of regular basis), but I met them at my Christian military wives' Bible Study... I think sometimes you have to attend something like this in order to meet people that are truly good Christians.