Monday, October 23, 2006


Are there people who still think it exists?? Try this site out:


Trace e-mails back to their source, run background checks, IM names and even chats in some cases, anything you have ever bought online, etc, etc, etc...

Not so fast to the "that's why I don't go online" person... Trust me, they know just as much about you... Ever used a credit card? Do you have a bank account? Social Security number? Birth certificate? Court records of any kind? Then they know about you as well...

The only way to have privacy in this day and age is to "go off the grid"... People who have not already realized that are past the point of no return... :)


Matthew said...

I realized that some may not know what I meant by "go off the grid"... I did not mean get off of the electrical grid...

"Go off the grid" meant stop using any means of identification, credit cards, etc... Not going online, using phones, e-mail, ditch your social security number, car, insurance, home, etc, etc, etc...

To "go off the grid", which people do, means dropping out of society...

My point is, privacy is GONE! Get used to it...

Petra said...

Yep. What blows my mind is there are people out there (I actually KNOW people like this) that think if they just use a fake name on places like blogger that their privacy is protected. LOL

Matthew said...

LOL... It's astounding!

Anonymous said...

I use fake names & email addresses most of the time when filling out forms online, usually because I want something that requires an email address so I "invent" one just for that specific purpose. But, yeah, people can find out anything if they're willing to pay for it. That's why going into politics in this age is crazy.

Matthew said...

Oh absolutely!! I have a hotmail account I use for literally everything online, and once a month I login to it and just delete all the crap simply to keep the account active...

I literally get thousands of junk e-mails a month there, I'm not sure how people manage if they actually use their 'real' e-mail addresses... I get about 3 junk e-mails a day to the account I actually use...

Petra said...

Oh yeah, Daniel - I wasn't talking about using a fake email or a junk email account to avoid all the spam - I do that too. I'm referring to people I know that think by having some sort of nickname they are protecting their privacy. If someone really wants to know what you've been up to on the internet or find out just who it was that made a comment... they can - which is one of the reasons I'm careful what I say on every site. :)

Matthew said...

Yeah, I just got an e-mail from a "Doreen Peoples" with the subject "RE: tomorrow"...

Amazing that anyone would open it, well not really I don't guess, most people are that stupid... I happen to know that A.) I don't know her and B.) I didn't send her an e-mail... So of course I just deleted it... If everyone did that, there would be no spam... Since my keyboard though has a higher IQ than the average moron, we have spam...

Petra said...

LOL. that's true Matt. I'm also amazed that people open those emails too. I just got one from 'Lonnie H. Petrie'. Subj: 'Re: Amaryl best friends!!!' Um... I don't think so. LOL

Anonymous said...

Actually I do use fake names on message boards (for the rare times that I use them) to give me some measure of anonymity. While it may be possible for someone to ID me, they'll have to spend some cash to do it. That eliminates the merely curious, leaving just the psychos/white trash to be tempted--and I really don't feel threatened by them!


Petra said...

LOL Michelle - true... in many cases it would take some money to figure out who someone was and I do agree that it could be in your favor to just keep the 'merely curious' people away. :)