So if anyone has been reading my blog, you will know from the previous post that I have been looking for a digital picture sorter... The one I mentioned in the comments on my last post I love... It is very quick, lets me preview thousands of pictures without delay... So I may have a few of these 'flashback' posts... I literally went through nearly a hundred thousand photos in about an hour... I thought I had 250 thousand, this program was smart enough to recognize duplicates... Since I just finished (or am almost finished :) with the boys room (for the 3rd or 4th time I think) these stood out to me for some reason...
My kids wanted a 'fort' in their room, so I decided to build them one... This was 2002...
Nearly done with it, and WHAT a chore it was...
The 'semi-completed' project... I tore it down less than a year later because the guys outgrew it, and I did not take into account that Chance (the red bed) might get hot sleeping so close to the ceiling... They thoroughly enjoyed it though while they had it... :)

Their room now... Which I just finished, or am still working on... Minor details left, which I tend to just let ride... :) Plus, there was another remodel between the two... So that makes three makeovers in a little over five years... No wonder I can't ever finish this house, I keep redoing everything... :(
Yes, I realize that I still need to hang the curtains, the closet doors, and put their pictures back on the wall... I'm working on it... :)
It looks really good. My kids loved that fort too! What program are you using that works so well? I need to organize mine! :)
How did you come to be so handy around the house?
LOL... Practice! My philosophy has always been, what one man can do, so can another... :)
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