Friday, October 27, 2006

Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0...

So, you think you know the difference between the two? Go ahead and take a stab at it... I was trying to explain it to someone today, and gave up...

I'll clue you in later, unless someone gets it right! :)


Petra said...

It's the difference between the web now and the web - say - ten years ago. Doesn't seem that complicated to me. :)

Matthew said...

LOL... Amazing how few you talk to can grasp that reality though...

The idiot I was talking to today, thought there was actually a separate 'Internet' that only a priviledged few could access... I gave up after a moment or two, why I even bother, not sure... :)

This guy does a pretty good job of explaining it:

Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0

Petra said...

ROFL! Sounds like you need to steer clear of that guy!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard of that before. . . but it seems pretty simple from what Petra said.

Matthew said...

Oh it's quite simple, why it surprises me though that some don't 'get it' I'm not sure... :)