Wednesday, October 18, 2006


So I went downtown this afternoon to meet Timberly for lunch, I try to go downtown as little as possible, and normally only go there a few times a year... Timberly was in town for the Society of Neuroscience's annual meeting:

Society of Neuroscience...

So needless to say the place was overrun with people and I detest crowds of any kind... I was supposed to meet Timberly at the CNN Center in Atlanta (obviously):

CNN Center...

The CNN Center is directly across from the Georgia World Congress Center:


Which is where Timberly was attending the annual meeting (she was presenting as well), well I got there about 30 minutes early and walked through the GWCC checking out what was going on, then decided I'd had enough of the sheep milling aimlessly around so I decided to head on over to the CNN Center, well that was worse... More sheep, more aimlessly milling about, snapping photos as if they were looking at the eighth wonder of the world so I went outside to try and find a spot far less crowded wait on Timberly and her friend...

Timberly and her friend then showed up and we had lunch and chatted about the conference, our families, etc... Then it was time for Timberly to head back to get her stuff and head for the airport... So I headed back to my vehicle, and of course went down the wrong elevator, looked around for my car (why all of the freaking garages there have to have a red level, floor 5, row B I'm not sure) I finally made it down the right elevator and to my car and headed back to the Interstate and to the office that houses my little cubicle, all the while vowing to NOT go back to Atlanta for at LEAST six months or so... :)


Petra said...

LOL. Sounds like an entertaining lunch. I enjoy people watching in crowds like that. Fun stuff. :)

Joshua Goodling said...

Lol - I work down there :), and mess with the crazy mass of public humanity every single day!!

Matthew said...

What I find curious, is that Boyd and Candy would not take the time out of their 'busy' schedule to go see their daughter...

Tim said...

Sorry to subject you to that :), but it was nice to see you :P

Matthew said...

LOL... It was nice seeing you as well!! :)

Tim said...

thanks :)