Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I Love This Guy...

Not only is Senator Kerry stupid enough to insult our troops in harms way a week before the election, but he then goes on a tirade in a hastily called press conference and not only inserts a shoe in his mouth, but both shoes and a dozen other things... Thank you Senator Kerry!!

I'll bet you money that right now, Theresa is beating him about the head telling him to keep his mouth shut... Here is a man who thinks that he has a shot at 2008? Laughable!

This train has left the station... The politics have been nasty. The main stream media has done everything in their power to ensure a Democratic win. It's all about the hatred of President Bush by these wackos, and I can't believe that they stand on the threshold of regaining power... Are people that stupid? Yes, they are!

Luckily the junior Senator from Massachusetts is an idiot! Not saying that it will sway the election, but it will drive out some of the Republican base that prior to his idiotic rants would have stayed home!

A Democratic congressman said this: "I guess Kerry wasn't content blowing 2004, now he wants to blow 2006, too."

I hope that is what happens...


Joshua Goodling said...

Yeah - talk about 'open mouth - insert foot'. Kerry is a complete IDIOT!!!

What's funny is, he basically said you have to be uneducated and stupid to be in the military - but uhm....he was in the military!

And then his comments about Bush being the one who should apologize.

Yeah, I hope more news people run this story. It's FREE publicity for the STUPID Democratic Party!!! And hopefully more Americans will realize just what IDIOTS they are!

Petra said...

I'm glad I didn't hear Kerry's comments. He thinks he has a shot at 2008? Wow! Of course, with the amount of sheep out there, it's probably possible he does have a shot - amazingly enough.