Err, I mean fundraisers... So do your kids have fundraisers at their school? Mine do, WAY too many! This one took the cake though... They had all had an 'art project' in their class, then one day, these magnets came home... "Here are the magnets we made out of your child's art project"... Well, the kids already thought they were theirs to keep, but to 'keep' them it was $5.50 each... So $16.50 later, we now have 3 new refrigerator magnets... The kicker though was there was also a form included in case you wanted your 'child's art' to be printed on a wide variety of items (keychains, calendars, luggage tags, mugs, mousepads, etc), all at a cost of course... I don't normally buy into the whole fundraiser thing, but I thought this one was rather sneaky... They gave the kids the magnets as if they were theirs, but sent the parents forms saying, either return the magnet or pay $5.50... I remember when Chance first started Kindergarten, his first fundraiser, Carolyn and I bought like $150 worth of crap so that he would "win" a prize because we didn't want him to feel left out... We learned quick though, and that was the first and only time that happened... I know they need to raise money for various things, but don't be sneaky... The kid's coach I think does it best... On Friday's you can buy a Chik-fil-a biscuit for $2.50, he always sells out, Chik-fil-a gives him the biscuits for like $1.00 each, and he uses the proceeds to buy equipment for the kids to use at PE and recess... No scam, you know you are paying $2.50 for a chicken biscuit and even though you know you are overpaying a bit, you know the money is used for equipment your kids will use... Okay, I'll get off my soapbox... The magnets my kids made:

So yeah, this post took me an hour... :( For some reason, I cannot upload more than a few images... I see Daniel upload tons of images, but it won't let me... I tried for almost an hour, and started getting irritated... Finally I was like, you know, so I logged into my yahoo account and uploaded them there, and just linked to them here... I should have thought of that ages ago... :) Live and learn... :)
I just don't like thinking that I can't DO something that according to their policy I should be able to do... :)
Ack!! Now the images are not showing up...
Ugghh... Well, if you can't see them and want to, let me know and I'll fix it... It's sporadic with me... If you can't see it, close your browser and try again, that works for me... I'm done... I'm trying to watch the President with Bill O'Reilly while I do this...
It's nauseating... If I hit refresh the pics don't show, but if I close the browser and go to it again they do... Whatever...
I want to see the magnets! I tried refreshing, closing the browser... didn't work. So yeah - get right on that for me. :)
Yeah some of those fundraisers - wow. What got me is all the fundraisers when my kids were going to a private school! I was already paying out the wazoo for tuition and I STILL had to pay a small fortune for fundraisers, field trips, etc. Ugh. And it'll start all over again next year when Brittany goes to high school in Washington. Oh well. Part of being a parent, I guess.
Oh, and since I homeschool, all the neighborhood kids race to my door when they are having a fundraiser b/c they know I'm not buying from my kids. I usually give in and try to find something CHEAP in their little catalogs (my 7 dollar bag of caramels should be arriving tomorrow). LOL
Irritating... I tried uploading them to Blogger again, won't let me for some reason... If I hit refresh I can't see them... If I close the browser, them open it again they show up... Weird...
Are you resizing the images before you upload them? If you're just uploading them at their full size, the images may be too large. Some sites have a size limit on the size of images they will accept.
LOL... Yes, I opened them in ImageReady and got them down to less than 100K each, still didn't work...
Of course I can't see them now, at work, but I could see them this AM from home...
As a general rule, I don't do fundraisers for public schools - I mean, I'm already forced to fund state education through tax dollars, and the fact is that American schools get WAY TOO MUCH MONEY per student - way more than private schools or schools in other countries. They need fiscal responsibility and discipline, not fundraisers.
Oh, btw, I LOL'd @ "Finally I was like, you know"
Well, it finally let me upload Chance and Tanner's, but when I tried to upload Taylor's... No luck... So you may not be able to view hers...
I'm with you on the whole public school thing Daniel... I think people are idiots who allow the government to teach their children, yeah I know, I just called myself an idiot... :) I happen to like the school my kids go to right now though, but I'll certainly be seeking other alternatives for middle and high school...
I can see the boys', but not Taylor's. They are very cute. :)
LOL... I'll have to try and upload Taylor's tomorrow, it wouldn't let me upload all three... :)
Finally got them all uploaded...
Yay. Taylor's drawing is cute too. :D I love it when kids draw people - so funny!!! :)
LOL... Supposedly those are 'self portraits'... :)
LOL Kendra... The more I look, I may be homeschooling myself soon... Luckily the elementary school my kids go to is pretty good... So I have a year to decide what I'm going to do...
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