So then I was thinking we needed an entertainment center for the living room... Carolyn and I have seen some, but they are WAY too expensive... So I thought, why not just build one, it's not like it's a complicated piece of furniture to build... I came across this copy of 'The Family Handyman', and I'm going to build that for our entertainment center...

So what I'm going to do is build two of those bookcases, and then build a center piece between them for the TV, surround sound system, DVD player, VCR, etc... Doesn't look that complicated, mine actually might look better as I ALWAYS improvise when copying others plans... :) I'll be sure and post pics once it's done... :)
Your carpentry skills always amaze me. I can't wait to see the photos!! :)
LOL... It will be a week or so, I'm waiting on the moulding I ordered to get here so I can start... :)
Regarding the carpentry skills... I'm AMAZED that everyone can't do it. If you can measure and cut, it's all quite simple actually... Who knows... :)
The entertainment center looks good. It looks like stuff that LeRoy has done. It'll be nice when the museum opens and he has time to work on the house.
Our entertainment center consists of a TV sitting on a gas firplace that we got at Lowes, with wires running along the wall to the other side of the room and attached to a VCR/DVD combo, and a stereo system which is hooked up to wires that encircle the room and attach to surround sound speakers, I am thinking this has to be seen to get a clear picture and maybe I just need to say "I'm jealous that you are getting a entertainment system". :)
We are personally following the Red Green (a show we like to see when I can tape it at work) way of decorating.
Yeah, I'm with you on the cooking thing. When people tell me they can't cook, I immediately think 'complete idiot'. It's like, um, the directions for about a gazillion recipes are literally spelled out step by step, what? You can't read?!?
That's like when I used to be an aircraft mechanic. The manuals we had literally had step by step instructions, 'Take out screw A (huge arrow pointing to where screw A was with a picture of the part) and place to the side', etc... I used to always think, "They sent me to school for this?" Stunning really...
While I agree that seemingly the vast majority of people can't seem to figure out the simplest of instructions (and there are instructions for pretty much everything)... let me just add that although you seem to be oblivious to it, there is MUCH talent to being able to see a piece of furniture in a magazine and then just building it. LOL Now, I can put together the pre-fab furniture that comes with the vague instruction booklet, but actually building a new piece of furniture that LOOKS good?! Um... :)
Oh, and cooking - I agree that cooking is easy, but I have eaten food prepared by some that don't think cooking is easy and honestly I think they are better left to ordering in!
LOL... I think I would have to agree with you... :)
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