Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Reverend Jerry Falwell on Imus 2-6-07

I'm sure not all find humor in these, but I find them hysterically funny! :)


Petra said...

I guess it was mildly amusing during my break in my I've-decided-to-rearrange-the-whole-house-by-myself-and-mop-and-clean-everything-in-my-path mode. I wouldn't say hysterically funny though. LOL :D

Matthew said...

LOL! Carolyn thinks I have a strange sense of humor... :)

Matthew said...

Yes, the Patton gig is hilarious...

Matthew said...

Why would you decide to do that btw? The whole house? You should just accept reality and use my frame of judgement, if my office is clean, my bedroom is clean, and the bathrooms are clean (and by clean, I mean usable), then all is well... Once my kids have left the house, I'll hire a maid to keep things tidy... :) You'd be AMAZED at the time it would free up for you... :)

Petra said...

Yeah, because I love having a clean house, and I got some new furniture so I'm getting some things organized - I'm basically focusing on my office and scrapbook area, so it's actually selfish cleaning :) I can be more creative if my scrapbook area is clean and organized. I have a hard time relaxing if there are messes to be cleaned - especially if I have energy (which I have had lots of lately). Now the kids bedrooms? Yeah, I gave up on those long ago. I guess twice a year I get in each of their rooms and help them deep clean it - other than that, I just tell them to pick up their dirty clothes and throw their toys in the toybox. In my perfect bizarro world - my kids have bedrooms out of the Pottery Barn catalog that stay cleaned all the time (by the way, I have a couple of friends whose kids rooms look like that - but of course they only have one or two kids each so there you go).

That was long. :)