The kids have been wanting to go back to the ice skating rink, so we decided to go today while Carolyn was at school... I quickly checked their web site and saw that public skating was from 10:00 - 12:00, we loaded up in the van and off we went. Of course we had to stop at Wal-mart to get gloves for everyone (not sure what happened to the gloves I JUST bought them the last time we went)...
So we got to the rink right at 10:00 and go in, she was like, "Public skating doesn't start until 12:30.". To which I replied, "The web site says 10:00." She just kind of looked at me, and I realized she probably didn't even know what a web site was, so we decided to go eat...
So we got to the rink right at 10:00 and go in, she was like, "Public skating doesn't start until 12:30.". To which I replied, "The web site says 10:00." She just kind of looked at me, and I realized she probably didn't even know what a web site was, so we decided to go eat...

Well, that killed an hour, we had another hour and a half to kill... We went to Brandsmart, that killed another 30 minutes, then just drove around for 30 minutes before heading back to the rink... Outside the rink they had huge piles of fake snow, so the kids played in that for a while throwing snowballs at each other, then we headed in to skate...

Where do you go ice skating? We're looking for a place to go.
LOL @ the crappy camera comments. I LOVE Cracker Barrel - I haven't been in like a year b/c the closest one is over an hour away from our house. Ice skating looks like fun. We've only taken the kids once and that was a few years ago - I'm sure they'd love to go again!
There is one in Duluth and Kennesaw Andrea:
The Ice Forum...
I love the Cracker Barrel as well Petra, Carolyn doesn't though, so we rarely eat there... :(
LOL Titus, yet something else we disagree on... :)
Cracker Barrel to me is neutral :), we haven't taken the boys ice skating yet. We have been roller skating and they enjoyed that.
Oh we LOVE Cracker Barrel over in the Van Meter house. Yum. And you get soooo much food for so cheap. It's fantastic.
Thanks for the rink info. I think we're going this weekend.
Cracker Barrel is good. It's not my "absolute favorite" restaurant, but I enjoy it....they have good food!
Now, as far as ice-skating (or any kind of skating for that matter) - I'm not at all interested in that.....but it looks like you all had a good time with it :-).
When I saw that picture, I was like, "Cracker Barrel!!!" Michelle and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Barrel. We go there 95% of the time when we are going out to eat. We are going to miss it when we move to VA Beach b/c I don't think there is one out there. Maybe they've built one since we lived there . . . I hope so.
Lol, Daniel. I love "the Barrel"
When are you moving to VA Beach Daniel? Why?
Looks like the kids are having a blast! Carcker Barrel- never heard of it, is it like a buffett thing?
Never been to Cracker Barrel, Jackie? I guess the closest one to you is in Utah! Only 400+ miles away!!
They are more in the South I guess, which makes sense - they serve Southern cooking.
Never been to the Barrel?!? That's about the saddest thought I can think right now. . . LOL
Uhm, we are moving to VA Beach in August because that's when I'm starting law school at Regent University. Woo hoo!
Jackie - don't listen to Titus... if you are ever in the south (or in Utah apparently) be sure to go to a Cracker Barrel. Order chicken n' dumplings or the sweet ham... or any of the breakfast food... the biscuits - YUM... oh i could go on and on and on. Cracker Barrel is absolutely wondrous. I'm salivating just thinking about it!!! :D
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