Saturday, February 24, 2007


We all have them, some like their neighbors, some don't... I happen to like my new neighbors, they have a girl Taylor's age and they play together ALL the time. It was nice when they moved in, because previously Taylor had been the only girl playing with 5 or 6 guys who are over ALL the time playing with Chance and Tanner.

Anyway, earlier in the week, my neighbor called me and asked if I wanted to come over Friday night for pizza and a movie. I said, "Okay." Turned out that I had already seen all of the movies he had rented: "The Departed", "Babel" and "Flags of Our Fathers". I don't normally watch movies that much, but I've been on vacation all week and had watched them all. "The Departed" was a good movie though, so we decided to watch that one. I'm not one to watch movies 'again', unless it's "Swordfish", "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" or "The Patriot", maybe a few more...

I went and got the pizza from Jimmy's Pizza (Nate's parents own the joint, Chance and Tanner's friend) and went over to watch the movie. Of course we started talking, and saw half the movie. It ended and in went Babel, we still continued talking.

I'm not sure where the conversation turned to Creation, but it did. My neighbor was flabbergasted that I believed in it. I was flabbergasted that he didn't. The conversation took an interesting turn from there. He told me, "You're an intelligent person, you don't really believe that crap do you?", to which I replied, "Of course I do!". It went on and on for several hours...

At the end of the night, I went home with him wondering if I was putting him on or not, he kept saying throughout the night, "You're putting me on right, you don't really believe that crap do you?". To which I would always reply, "No, I'm not 'putting you on', of course I believe in Creation!".

Afterwards, I was thinking to myself: "I wonder what it would be like living your life to not believe in God and Creation?". To believe that we just exist and then die? How miserable of an existence would that be? I would not want to live like that. I'll have to work on him!

I do have a HUGE tree in my front yard that he is going to help me cut down tomorrow, so maybe I'll bring it up again. I was going to pay someone to come cut it down, only because it's huge and is leaning towards the house, otherwise I'd cut it down myself. He used to cut trees down for a living, he said he'd do it, so I'll let him... :)

That's a whole new post in and of itself, maybe after the tree is down I'll post it... The reason the tree has to come down that is... :)


Matthew said...

I didn't bring it up btw... I actually almost forgot about it, and was more concerned that the tree might actually land on my house... I'm sure there will be more opportunities though...

Petra said...

That's good you got a chance to talk to him about it... hopefully you will get more of a chance to witness to him. :)

Tim said...

Glad you got to talk to him. I get that a lot working with scientists at NKU. They find it hard to believe that an intelligent person can believe in Creation. I, of course, find it hard to believe that an intelligent person can believe in Evolution :).

Matthew said...

No kidding Timberly! I think with the 'scientist' types though, it's a lack of faith, if they can't prove it, they don't believe it. Which is likely why people 'assume' that if you are intelligent, you would not believe in God. Stunning really...