Today being Valentine's Day, I had to go to all three of the kids classes at school... Which is a haul, each of their classes is near the end of three separate LONG hallways... So I dropped the bags of candy off at Chance's class (We're the room parents if you don't remember :), then off to Taylors class to drop her off, then Tanner's class was having an 'event' for the parents, so I ended up there last...

Then on my way to work I got pulled over, the cop asked me what I thought the speed limit was, I was like, "55?", to which he replied, "Well, that explains why you were going 60 mph, the speed limit is 45!" So I got a ticket, so that'll be a waste of $100... All in all though, it was a pretty good day...

I forgot to add how excited Tanner has been about me going to his class, he has been reminding me about it for two weeks... He's a GREAT kid, and he was thrilled this AM to have me in his class...
Yeah, that's the first time I've been pulled over in 5 years... It was a fun day! :)
You are a great daddy!!! the kids are lucky to have you!
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