You have Hillary Clinton saying, "I want to take those profits and put them into an alternative energy fund that will begin to fund alternative smart energy alternatives that will actually begin to move us toward the direction of independence." Speaking about the profits made by Exxon... Isn't that socialism? You look back into the Hillary file, and she has repeatedly spouted this mantra... I'll take from the people that have, and redistribute to those that have not... That is straight out of the Marx playbook... Wow!! Yet there are many who love her...
You have John Edwards talking about universal health care and having to raise taxes to do it... Does ANYONE buy into Edwards speal that he is for the 'common man'? I guess most have not seen the house he is building...

This trial lawyer is the answer? He acts like he 'understands' how the poor, common man feels, and that's basically what he is running on?? People buy that?? He no more understands the 'average American' than anybody...
On and on I could go obviously, but my kids are calling my name, so I have to finish... I can't believe that people don't see what is going on... Well, I can, because most are so 'busy' doing things that have no relevence, they either don't know the direction the country is headed in or don't care... The ones who 'seem' to care, think that withdrawing from society will 'save' them... It won't. We can and should change what is going on, I wonder if we will? The only way we can is by replacing the lawmakers in the House of Representatives...
I just heard Chuck Schumer saying the same thing! Take the oil company profits... NO!! Take away their tax breaks, but you can't take their profits! What about the profits Bill and Hillary made from their books? Should we 'take' those? For the good of the people? Yeah, I bet they would go along with that... It's socialism all the way, you watch and listen to these people and we might as well have Marx and Lenin back... Most Americans are so stupid though, I doubt 98% of them even know who those people are...
Yes, we should replace the House of Representatives, but the problem is - with whom? There seems to be no one running anymore with any values.....even most of the "Republicans" who run nowdays are so wishy-washy it's like voting for a flapjack!
A flapjack? LOL
Yeah - it's pretty ridiculous. I really hope Hillary isn't elected - I really don't think she has a chance in h-e-double-hockey-sticks, but what do I know? :D
The reason I don't watch the news as much as you do, Matt, is because it gets me all riled up - and I have too much other stuff going on. :)
I guess I'll have to run for office myself.
Precisely why the Republicans lost the midterms, they didn't DO anything for the past 6 years except spend money like a bunch of drunken sailors...
It riles me up as well... :) I continue to be interested though for some reason... :)
Very few good people run anymore and it's all about spin and perception these days rather than about what's good for the country, although I do realize that there has always been an element of that in politics but it seems like that's all it is these days...
I guess I'll have to form the Joshua Goodling for United States Congress Exploratory Committee :)
It depends on what district you live in, looks like 6... Keep in mind that the MORONS who live ATL elected that candidate for the nearest mental hospital, McKinney, to Congress... So OBVIOUSLY there are a LOT of idiots in GA...
Yeah - I live in District 6.
That idiot McKinney was in district 4 which pretty much is all of Decatur and DeKalb county, which is why she got elected.
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