Thursday, February 15, 2007

Been There...

I came across this today, and thought it was great! It's AMAZING the people who look down on others, not sure if it's true or not, but I suspect it is...

Post here...

It irritates me greatly when I see people at work who look down on others for ANY reason, as if they think they are better... Yeah, I know, people might say, but you talk about how stupid people are all the time... Sure, but it's merely an observation! I'm nice to everyone, and I'm nicer to the people who are taking out the trash, serving the meals, and cleaning the place than I am to the pompous asses who occupy the offices who somehow think that they are better than everyone else... They are not!


Joshua Goodling said...

hear hear!! I'm with you on that one! I can't stand it when people think they are somehow more important or superior to others.

I know many of the people who clean our offices.

It's funny sometimes, I'll be standing with a group of people talking and one of the office cleaners will walk by and they'll Say hello to me, and the people around me will be like; "You know them????"

Matthew said...

It's stunning really! Why do some think they are more important? I guess I could maybe see it if you were the CEO, no, I couldn't...

I make a point to smile and say hi to everyone who works in the 'buildings' I work in everytime I see them, no matter who I'm with... You are right though, most just look at you like, "You know that person?"... No, I don't know them, I just smile when I walk by and say hi...

Petra said...

Interesting read. I felt like we grew up thinking we were better than others - or taught to - even though, hello, we lived in a freaking cabin we built with no electricity. I've finally (hopefully) outgrown that. :)

Joshua Goodling said...

That was an interesting post by that person. But just out of curiosity - how did you come across that posting? It was listed under "best of craigslist > alaska > From a Welfare Kid"

Do you spend a lot of time browsing postings from Alaska on craigslist???

lol :-). Just asking

Matthew said...



Tim said...

I agree totally. It bothers me that when I say hello to the workers at NKU they act surprised because most people do not even acknowldege their existence.

Matthew said...

Yeah, people that think they are "better" than others nauseate me...