Monday, February 19, 2007

Birthday Parties...

Ever take your kids to them? I personally think they should be outlawed... :) The kids seem to enjoy them though... So first we had to go buy a present, then back home. Chance didn't want to go, so he stayed home with Carolyn. Off we went to take Tanner to his friends party. Of course the intention was to drop him off then Taylor and I would go kill two hours, then come back and pick him up. It didn't quite work out like that... We go in to drop Tanner off, I was like, "So when should I come back and get him?" They were like, "Oh no, you guys stay, Taylor can play too!"... Uggh! Taylor wanted to stay though...

The place was called Pump It Up, and they had a bunch of these blow up slides, etc...

Taylor coming down one of the slides...

Tanner playing air hockey...

Getting ready for the cake...

Just when I thought it was finally time to go, they were like, if the kids want to, they can go back in for a while... Luckily we finally got out of there shortly after... The sad thing is, Taylor's friend has invited her to another birthday party at the same place on Thursday... :(


Petra said...

LOL. Yeah, I always try to sneak out of the parties myself - the parents kill me with their assumptions that all the other parents are just dying to stay. When I throw a party (it's been a long time, but when I used to) I would ENCOURAGE the parents to just leave ("go get a couple hours to yourself - I've got this"). I hate it when the parents are like "Oh, why don't you stay - it'll be so much fun?" - yeah, about as fun as chewing off my own arm! :)

Petra said...

I, of course, am speaking of the parties where I don't really even know the other parents. I don't mind staying if I'm actually good friends with the other parents - or they are relatives. But why would I want to stay when I don't even know anyone except maybe a couple of the kids?! :)

Matthew said...

Yeah, no kidding! Umm... If I WANTED to stay, I'd have just taken all my kids somewhere else...