Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The Average Consumer...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Yeah, I Know...
So then I was thinking we needed an entertainment center for the living room... Carolyn and I have seen some, but they are WAY too expensive... So I thought, why not just build one, it's not like it's a complicated piece of furniture to build... I came across this copy of 'The Family Handyman', and I'm going to build that for our entertainment center...

So what I'm going to do is build two of those bookcases, and then build a center piece between them for the TV, surround sound system, DVD player, VCR, etc... Doesn't look that complicated, mine actually might look better as I ALWAYS improvise when copying others plans... :) I'll be sure and post pics once it's done... :)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
So today we decided to drop it, he hooked up all the ropes and the come along and started cutting. Then he decided we needed another come along, so I went to Home Depot to get one. Got back, hooked it up, then the wind started gusting. So now it's like, hmm, there is about a 50 - 50 chance the tree could now fall towards the house. So he told me to go pull my vehicles in the garage, that's when I was thinking, hmm, maybe that thousand I 'thought' I would be saving is going to be like peanuts compared to the costs of repairing the house, because I'm not sure, but if you cut a tree down in your yard and it falls on your house, I doubt the insurance would pay for it...
So anyway, finally about two hours later we got the tree down, and it fell right where we wanted it to. The kids are ecstatic and are now climbing on it... Luckily, my house is still in one piece! :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Anyway, earlier in the week, my neighbor called me and asked if I wanted to come over Friday night for pizza and a movie. I said, "Okay." Turned out that I had already seen all of the movies he had rented: "The Departed", "Babel" and "Flags of Our Fathers". I don't normally watch movies that much, but I've been on vacation all week and had watched them all. "The Departed" was a good movie though, so we decided to watch that one. I'm not one to watch movies 'again', unless it's "Swordfish", "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" or "The Patriot", maybe a few more...
I went and got the pizza from Jimmy's Pizza (Nate's parents own the joint, Chance and Tanner's friend) and went over to watch the movie. Of course we started talking, and saw half the movie. It ended and in went Babel, we still continued talking.
I'm not sure where the conversation turned to Creation, but it did. My neighbor was flabbergasted that I believed in it. I was flabbergasted that he didn't. The conversation took an interesting turn from there. He told me, "You're an intelligent person, you don't really believe that crap do you?", to which I replied, "Of course I do!". It went on and on for several hours...
At the end of the night, I went home with him wondering if I was putting him on or not, he kept saying throughout the night, "You're putting me on right, you don't really believe that crap do you?". To which I would always reply, "No, I'm not 'putting you on', of course I believe in Creation!".
Afterwards, I was thinking to myself: "I wonder what it would be like living your life to not believe in God and Creation?". To believe that we just exist and then die? How miserable of an existence would that be? I would not want to live like that. I'll have to work on him!
I do have a HUGE tree in my front yard that he is going to help me cut down tomorrow, so maybe I'll bring it up again. I was going to pay someone to come cut it down, only because it's huge and is leaning towards the house, otherwise I'd cut it down myself. He used to cut trees down for a living, he said he'd do it, so I'll let him... :)
That's a whole new post in and of itself, maybe after the tree is down I'll post it... The reason the tree has to come down that is... :)
Friday, February 23, 2007
Okay, Gross!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Home Alone...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Ice Skating... Again...
So we got to the rink right at 10:00 and go in, she was like, "Public skating doesn't start until 12:30.". To which I replied, "The web site says 10:00." She just kind of looked at me, and I realized she probably didn't even know what a web site was, so we decided to go eat...

Well, that killed an hour, we had another hour and a half to kill... We went to Brandsmart, that killed another 30 minutes, then just drove around for 30 minutes before heading back to the rink... Outside the rink they had huge piles of fake snow, so the kids played in that for a while throwing snowballs at each other, then we headed in to skate...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Says who? If you ask 1,000 people a question, how can you be within a margin of error of +/-3? Hello! There are what, 300 million people living in this country? There are companies though that make fortunes by 'providing' the polling data, Zogby comes to mind, Rasmussen as well. What makes their polling data so 'scientific'? I say just about any poll you read is skewed to the leanings of whoever ordered the poll. Maybe I'm misinformed, I doubt it though, maybe someone can enlighten me...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Mitt Romney...
Some nut job, Joseph Smith came up with the whole Mormon religion, I'm not real sure of all the details, but here are some... So apparently Joe had some sort of theophany in his early teens, or the 'first vision' as the Mormons call it. From what I understand about the whole Mormon religion, he saw a light that appeared in his room, then a 'person' appeared and told him that God had a work for him to do, the work involved some gold plates that contained the account of the 'former inhabitents' of this continent (maybe the whole world, the story I read said continent), and also something about silver bows that would act as 'seers' to help him translate the story, or something (I've not studied it that much, I don't care that much about lunatics)... It just so happened that the 'plates' were only several miles from his house... Anyway, he retrieved the plates, then proceeded home, was attacked several times, yet managed to thwart his assailents (while carrying over 200 lbs of gold tablets according to his dimensions and the weight of gold)... So imagine for a moment, finding golden tablets weighing over 200 lbs, then leaping merrily the three miles home, fending off three various assailents, quite a feat...Whatever... Then there were more visions, the angel took the plates, so no one could verify them, and this guy had his own religion... A lot of people drank the kool-aid... I'm tired of reading about the story, kind of reminds me of Scientology, where Hubbard was the 'only' one who had the privilege of 'seeing' what happened with Xenu and the resulting thetans... Wow... People that say Romneys religion won't be an issue just need to wait... Wait until the videos of Joe secretly getting the 'golden plates' from the 'angel' and then dancing merrily through the woods while fighting off assailents carrying 200 lbs worth of gold, then the angels taking the 'evidence' and Joe passing out the kool-aid start showing up on YouTube... Oh, and the video will end with Mitt drinking the kool-aid... Yeah Mitt, you have an issue...
Birthday Parties...

Just when I thought it was finally time to go, they were like, if the kids want to, they can go back in for a while... Luckily we finally got out of there shortly after... The sad thing is, Taylor's friend has invited her to another birthday party at the same place on Thursday... :(
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Richard Dawkins CNN
We should live this life to the fullest, because there is no other... While I agree that we should live this life to the fullest, it is but a vapor... Stunning!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Been There...
Post here...
It irritates me greatly when I see people at work who look down on others for ANY reason, as if they think they are better... Yeah, I know, people might say, but you talk about how stupid people are all the time... Sure, but it's merely an observation! I'm nice to everyone, and I'm nicer to the people who are taking out the trash, serving the meals, and cleaning the place than I am to the pompous asses who occupy the offices who somehow think that they are better than everyone else... They are not!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Then on my way to work I got pulled over, the cop asked me what I thought the speed limit was, I was like, "55?", to which he replied, "Well, that explains why you were going 60 mph, the speed limit is 45!" So I got a ticket, so that'll be a waste of $100... All in all though, it was a pretty good day...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
One Of Those Days...
I might add that as soon as I got back from taking Chance and Tanner to school, Taylor had miraculously recovered... So I guess she was in need of 'one of those days' as well... :)
Monday, February 12, 2007
Creation and Science...
Research: God did speak world into existence
I tried to get to his blog to see the trailer he has posted, but someone seriously needs to 'fix' his website, of course I'm sure he is being pounded right now with hits... In the minute or so I tried to get it to load, he sold almost a hundred more of his books...
The students blog here...
When the story was published at World Net Daily last night at 9:35PM he had only sold 1,700 copies, that number is about to surpass 10,000... I'll go back and check it out once I can actually get to the site...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
18 Ways To Be A Good Liberal...
2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.
3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese and North Korean communists.
4. You have to believe that there was no art before federal funding.
5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical changes in the earth's climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV's.
6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial, but being homosexual is natural.
7. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.
8. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th-graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.
9. You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature, but PETA activists do.
10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
11. You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make "The Passion of the Christ" for financial gain only.
12. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, Gen. Robert E. Lee, and Thomas Edison.
15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides are not.
16. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.
17. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag queens and transvestites should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.
18. You have to believe that this message is a part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Flags of Our Fathers...
I wondered as I watched the film, will my children, as I am laying on my deathbed, be standing over me? I hope they will, we'll see... Fathers, a difficult role, but you never get a second chance...
Friday, February 09, 2007
My Night...

So we ended up having a good time! The kids had a blast! I was glad to get home though! Taylor is spending the night at her friends house, one of Chance's friends is staying here... All in all, I guess it was a good night. Particularly for the school, they charge for everything, have tons of trinkets for sale that the kids want, and also had a book fair... I only spent about 30 bucks though... Could have been worse...
General George Patton Has A Solution To The Iraq War
This guy cracks me up! I made the mistake of taking a drink of coffee near the end and nearly ended up ruining my keyboard... Some may not find it amusing, I do! :)
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Google, Anna, Etc...
How about Anna Nicole Smith turning up dead today? What astounded me the most were the idiots who were on TV acting as if they were surprised! This skank was high all the time on a combination of drugs and alcohol, she obviously was in it for the money and fame, she appeared on TV frequently so out of her mind that she was incoherent, and people are surprised?? I'm not. The only thing I would be looking into if I were a prosecutor is the attorney connection... It's a lot of money... Grief? Sadness? Absolutely not!! It was a matter of time!
The White House... It's shaping up... Hillary will obviously be the candidate for the Dems... The question is who will be the opponent... The mayor? Possibly. I honestly think he is the only one who can beat her... People keep screaming about Newt, but 49% of the country can't stand him, he could never beat her... If the stupid Republican base chose him, guess what, Hillary in 2009 will be President Clinton. I can't stand either party to be honest. I think the Republican base are a bunch of idiots... We'll see what happens...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Evolution vs. Creationism: Listen to the Scientists
Wow! It's kind of long, 9 minutes, it's amazing how 'scientists' think that what they say is the final word... Most are idiots I might add!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Nothing like doing an "in-your-face" photo shoot for the NYP while locking lips with what looks to be your granddaughter and having the first word in the article being 'Sexy' (which is how the NYP described the former NYC mayor's third wife)... Then being quoted as using words like 'gosh' and having your wife say things like: "the Energizer Bunny with no rechargeable batteries" while describing her 'romantic' husband...
Smooth... Save your money Rudy!! If he still intends to go ahead with it though, he needs to change his campaign strategist and manager RIGHT now!! Otherwise, too many more of these planned by the Rudy camp, in conjunction with ALL the others that will be planned by his opponents and Rudy doesn't have a prayer of getting the nod from the Republican base, even if the Republican base was somehow convinced that if they didn't choose Rudy, Hillary would be the next person to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...
Post article here...
Reverend Jerry Falwell on Imus 2-6-07
I'm sure not all find humor in these, but I find them hysterically funny! :)
Monday, February 05, 2007
Are Americans Really That Stupid???
You have Hillary Clinton saying, "I want to take those profits and put them into an alternative energy fund that will begin to fund alternative smart energy alternatives that will actually begin to move us toward the direction of independence." Speaking about the profits made by Exxon... Isn't that socialism? You look back into the Hillary file, and she has repeatedly spouted this mantra... I'll take from the people that have, and redistribute to those that have not... That is straight out of the Marx playbook... Wow!! Yet there are many who love her...
You have John Edwards talking about universal health care and having to raise taxes to do it... Does ANYONE buy into Edwards speal that he is for the 'common man'? I guess most have not seen the house he is building...

This trial lawyer is the answer? He acts like he 'understands' how the poor, common man feels, and that's basically what he is running on?? People buy that?? He no more understands the 'average American' than anybody...
On and on I could go obviously, but my kids are calling my name, so I have to finish... I can't believe that people don't see what is going on... Well, I can, because most are so 'busy' doing things that have no relevence, they either don't know the direction the country is headed in or don't care... The ones who 'seem' to care, think that withdrawing from society will 'save' them... It won't. We can and should change what is going on, I wonder if we will? The only way we can is by replacing the lawmakers in the House of Representatives...
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Super Bowl Commercials...

Many people are more interested in the Super Bowl commercials than they are in the game itself. Companies spend millions making the commercials and then millions more for the time slots available during the event. This year, rather than spend a million+ dollars having an ad agency create the commercial for Doritos, they decided to let normal people such as you and I create commercials, submit them, and then let the people vote on which one would be aired during the game:
Contest Here...
Of course the contest is closed, 5 finalists won $10,000 each and a trip to Super Bowl XLI... So not only did they save nearly a million dollars, but they likely have started the ad agencies secretly wondering how much longer they will be able to charge their million dollar plus fees to create the commercials not only for the Super Bowl, but for anything, when the public is more than willing to do it for a fraction of the cost...
Speaking of the Super Bowl, I RARELY watch the game, because frankly, I could care less... I realize I'm in the minority, but still have zero interest... My next door neighbor called me a few days ago and asked what I was doing Sunday, not thinking clearly, I said "Nothing really, why?" So now I guess I'm actually going to be watching the game next door... Joy, joy, joy!
Friday, February 02, 2007
What Was I Thinking???

The drums are currently right across the hall from my office, so they'll be relocated to the top floor and the opposite end of the house FIRST thing tomorrow! As I'm typing now, the drums are banging and the electric guitar is blaring at what HAS to be the highest volume setting... I'm thinking of soundproofing a room now, and officially christening it the music room!! The relocating of the instruments, now that I think about it, which is hard at the moment, might be happening in a few minutes... :)
Thursday, February 01, 2007
For starters, if anyone is truly 'busy', they should have something going on... No? What are you 'busy' doing? I talk to people at work, and it's not because I have to, it's because I get people who insist on talking when I'm trying to get a freaking cup of coffee at work... They go on about how busy they are, and I politely listen, and then excuse myself as quickly as possible... Busy?? Whatever... I doubt there are many Americans who are busy...
Throw me an 'excuse' if you think you are... I have kids, I have a job, I spend more time remodeling my home than likely most Americans, so if you "THINK" you are busy, tell me why!
No one in America is 'busy'... Or very few I should say... The morons who tell me they are busy that have kids, which they should not by the way, astound me the most... MOST of them shouldn't be allowed to procreate, yet they do... If you can't handle your kids, and support them, then DON'T have them!!!
Whatever you do though, DON'T tell me you are busy!
My kids are starting to express a huge interest in music, so I finally decided to break down and actually buy them some musical instruments. Chance and Taylor wanted electric guitars and Tanner wanted a drum set... Off to the music store I went today. I found a great deal on the electric guitars, but drums are expensive (who knew)... So I decided to get the guitars, but shop around more for the drums. I knew that my kids were waiting with GREAT anticipation to get these instruments, so I thought, I'll just get Tanner some drumsticks, and tell him I'm still looking for the drums so he would be okay with it... So at the back of the store, there were tons of drumsticks, and signs everywhere saying: 'pair of drumsticks - $1.99"... I grabbed a pair and headed to the checkout...
I get to the checkout, this kid with blond hair falling all over his face checks me out... He goes to scan the drumsticks, there is no barcode... He goes to look it up on the computer and tells me, "It's $4.99"... I say, "All the signs said $1.99"... He checks again and tells me, "Well, the computer still says it's $4.99, are you alright with that?"
After looking at him for several seconds in sheer disbelief, I responded, "No, I'm NOT 'alright with that' the signs all said $1.99"... That threw him into some parallel universe apparently...
It took nearly 20 minutes to complete the transaction... Mind boggling...
The kids were thrilled with the guitars though, and Tanner is expecting his drums tomorrow... :( I'll have to take a 'LONG' lunch tomorrow to go find him some...