Monday, April 30, 2007

Scams II...

Or is it III or IV or V?? Wow!! This one takes the cake though! Here's what came home today from Taylor (I haven't gotten one from Chance or Tanner yet):

The card went on to say there is going to be a "Special Gallery-Style Art Show" at the school where you can come view your precious child's "art work" and you can also send all your friends and family the link and the code to login online and buy the "reproduction" of the "art work"... Hey though, the friends and family get the 'special' rate of $24.55!

Then it went on to say that we need to come to the "art show" and show support for the budding young artists in our community. The line that killed me the most was: "Who knows... maybe your child will become the next Picasso!"

NO, we won't be going! I have about a gazillion "art works" all of my kids have painted, colored and drawn... I'm supposed to pay someone thirty bucks to frame it?? Then waste three hours at some ridiculous "Gallery-Style Art Show" to look at something my child colored?!?!? Wow! I suppose many will go, I guess you need to hand it to the people who came up with the concept, I'm sure they'll be laughing all the way to the bank come May 9th!


Joshua Goodling said...

Yeah, they get you coming and going nowdays, and then they try to make you feel guilty if you DON'T want to spend $50.00 on something you can get for free or at least for 1/4 of that elsewhere!

Petra said...

LOL. That's actually a pretty good butterfly! :) But yeah - I have piles upon piles of drawings by my children, I don't think I need to pay someone 30 bucks to frame it either. I'm with you on this one!

Titus said...


Matthew said...

Actually though, maybe I should go to the "art show", take down the names of everyone who actually does purchase one. That would be a GREAT marketing list, then just start selling everyone on the list a bunch of stuff! :)

WHO is marci? said...

Funny on the marketing list, its so true I'm guilty as one of the parents that buys the stuff! and where does it go?? in a box for keepsakes of course - hmmm.