So we decided to go ahead and finish the circle in the back, we were tired of looking at it! So off to Home Depot we went and got the supplies...
Back from Home Depot and about to get started...
Why I choose to do these manual labor chores when I could do easy stuff like finish the entertainment center or the trim I'm not sure... :)
Nearly done, I do have to get a masonry blade for so I can cut the last block to fit, but it wouldn't be right to actually FINISH a project in one day! :)
Almost done, the bobcat isn't working, so I have to go to the Bobcat dealer tomorrow and find out what's wrong with it...
I'm NOT going to shovel that much dirt by hand! It will look nice though once it's done. Now it's time to relax and listen to my Jerry Lee Lewis 'Last Man Standing' DVD, which I recommend to everyone!! :)
When I picked the material up at Home Depot, some old guy asked me, does the gate come off the trailer, I said, yeah. He's like let's take it off then and get this loaded, I think he nearly had a heart attack... The gate is heavy, but it's not THAT heavy! He refused to help put it back on and called for someone else to do it. I was mildly amused. Of course I was on the other end, and I didn't think it was that heavy at all... Mind over matter! I'm not that big, but whatever, I'm a LOT stronger than I look! Which surprises most people, not sure why... :)
"What one man can do, another can do", right? :)
The circle is looking good! :)
getting there...
bobcat broke already? hopefully something simple!
Ugghh! The bobcat... I HOPE it's something simple like bleeding the hydraulic lines! I think that's what it is, but not 100% yet. I'm going to the dealer tomorrow, so we'll see! You'd think I'd know, since I'm actually a certified hydraulic/pneumatic mechanic and used to fix all sorts of aircraft while I was in the military... :)
YES Petra!!! My motto in life, "What one man can do, so can another!" :)
I "stole" that line from the move "The Edge"... :)
Excellent film, if you haven't seen it!
Movie that is... Too much catching up tonight! :)
yeah 'bleeding the hydraulic lines' sounds so simple. lol
The Edge is awesome. I love that movie!! :)
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