Busy Saturday here... Of course I've got a million projects going on, but Uncle Andy and Uncle Joshua were coming over, so we decided to have a cookout! The kids were very excited! We got going early actually and went and bought some bushes and some other things, thinking for some reason that we would actually get around to planting anything!

The kids were enthralled with the pictures and videos Andy showed us from Iraq! It was good to see Andy actually, hopefully he'll stop back by while he is in GA!

Have to throw in a pic of my new lawn, it's coming right along!

We bought pavers to go around the 'circle', but decided we didn't like the color, so I loaded the red ones on the trailer to take back in the morning and get the ones we want. The kids thought that was great, and used the trailer as a ramp for a while, they were disappointed when I closed the trailer... :)

Yes! I AM still working on the entertainment center, and am almost done I might add! All in good time people! :)
I'm glad I clicked on your blog before heading to bed. I got to see my Andy Pandy! :) (he loves it when I call him that in public - lol). Andy said he had a good time over there and had fun playing with the kids. Lawn is looking good. Are you going to fill the circle with pavers? Or just outline it with plants in the middle?
I'm going to put a small wall around it and then fill it with dirt and plants... :)
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