The good thing about making furniture is that if you are painting it, it doesn't matter... Spackling, wood putty, whatever, prime and paint, no one will ever know! :)
How about the whole Don Imus issue? I can't believe these PC people, most of all Jackson and Sharpton. Those two are pimps for the black people and are self appointed. They nauseate me. Anyone who has EVER watched the Imus in the Morning program would know that there was no racism intended whatsoever!! Yet the execs at MSNBC and CBS caved to the PC police and the antics of Sharpton and Jackson and suspended Imus for two weeks! Are you kidding me?? I was just now watching Hannity and heard him say something about Don Imus, I'll never watch Hannity again. Same with O'Reilly, I just listened to him spew some nonsense about racism, I will not be watching him any longer either. NONE of these morons have obviously EVER actually watched the Imus in the Morning program... Racist?? Please!! Don Imus does more for charity, more for sick kids, more for a LOT of things than Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and any other person who is slamming him now than ALL of them put together! Don Imus is the person who is responsible for getting the death benefit for our armed service members increased from like $12K to $250K (not sure of the exact figures), but Imus was instrumental in getting it done. Don Imus was the one who raised more than $15 million dollars to finish the Intrepid Center for our troops who come back from the war with issues. I CANNOT believe that MSNBC and CBS caved to all these fruit cakes like Jackson and Sharpton. Come on people! Americans have GOT to stop being so politically correct! From the looks of things though, I doubt they will... Too bad! This PC nonsense is ridiculous!
I saw the headlines about Imus today and thought "I wonder why Matt hasn't posted anything yet?!" LOL I guess I just needed to wait a little bit. I didn't see what the actual comments he made were, and I have never watched him - so I don't really have an opinion on the matter. The figures for the military death benefits (in case anyone is interested) are: it was $200K, now it is $400K plus $100K for funeral expenses. Just fyi.
Looks like you're coming right along on the entertainment center! :)
Yeah, I wasn't sure on the $$ figures, I'm glad it has been increased though!
I will hopefully soon be done with that thing! We'll see how much I get done this evening... :)
Yeah Titus, and listening to Hannity and O'Reilly last night, there comments just sent me over the edge (not literally of course :) There was NO racism involved period, and those two I think just seized the opportunity, probably because they don't like him.
I'm with you on the whole PC thing! I hate all this "political correctness". Nowdays if anyone says one single word a black person or someone in the minority (or a democrat) doesn't like - BLAST!!!! It's READY - AIM - FIRE! Away at them! Drives me insane.....Oh, well maybe I already am insane :)
Jesse Jackson used to spit in white people's food at a restaurant, and he's got the nerve to say something about Imus? Him and Sharpton are both idiots!
I agree with you as well on the Imus thing. I don't know the show or the guy, but from what I hear he said... I have heard much worse from others.
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